Phentermine VS No Phentermine?

Ive been taking phentermine and 5HTP as a part of a diet program at Belite medical center here in VA. I thought id try something and I didnt take the meds today..& I must say I still have controlled what I eat and didn't cheat (i.e sodas,sweets,junk food) I really need phentermine? does it actually help me drop the weight? Any thoughts/comments?


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I don't know enough about it but chances are you still have the stuff in your system. try it for longer
  • jqg81180
    jqg81180 Posts: 14 Member
  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    I have mixed feelings about Phentermine. As an appetite suppressant I would say it works ok, as long as you're eating throughout the day and making smart choices. I prefer not to take it every day because I do not want to become addicted to any sensation from taking the pill (the "high" feeling) or dependant on it from keeping me away from bad habits. Since it is highly abused, I would say use it since you have it to give you any kick start you need, but don't let yourself be fooled; it's all about what choices you make, and you can't be on it forever. Try even taking it every other day, or a day you already know you're feeling weak from impulse.
  • MovesLikePuma
    How long were you taking it? And was it a large dosage? I would agree that it may have built up in your system. I have been curious as well if it really works.
  • uncurvymotivation
    How long were you taking it? And was it a large dosage? I would agree that it may have built up in your system. I have been curious as well if it really works.

    I started taking it on June 30th, so far ive lost 9 pounds. So, it does work. I take 20 MG of it twice daily- Lately ive been cutting down to one at times. Today not at all, just to see how I feel.

    **HOWEVER** Ive completely changed eating habits, and SODA. only drink water, and i do exercise.
  • uncurvymotivation
    I have mixed feelings about Phentermine. As an appetite suppressant I would say it works ok, as long as you're eating throughout the day and making smart choices. I prefer not to take it every day because I do not want to become addicted to any sensation from taking the pill (the "high" feeling) or dependant on it from keeping me away from bad habits. Since it is highly abused, I would say use it since you have it to give you any kick start you need, but don't let yourself be fooled; it's all about what choices you make, and you can't be on it forever. Try even taking it every other day, or a day you already know you're feeling weak from impulse.

    Great advice, ty :) However I dont get that high feeling much, only sometimes feel wired but thats only right after i take it
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    i was on it.. hated it.. made me super b**chy.. my Dr also had me try Adderall (sp?) same thing there.. you have to do what works for you.. but for me.. it all boils down to ME.. making healthy choices.. i had a drug problem as a teen and it made me feel like "back in the day".. i didn't like that feeling.. it scared me!

    good luck!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    So, you don't take the pills for one day, and you think you're in a safe place when it comes to food? Self-control begins with taking your medications that your doctor prescribed to you. There is a multitude of food choices in American, and you have to learn how to navigate through all those choices, and make sound decisions concerning your health. It isn't something that an individual can learn in a matter of days or weeks or even years. It takes a whole lot of trial and error, especially for somebody with an eating disorder, to master. By taking the pills, being consistent with logging, and learning to eat within your calorie limit, you can reach your weight-loss goal; but as you go on this journey, you must remember that it doesn't happen overnight, or even in a year depending on how much weight you need to lose. It takes a rethinking, a re-examination of food on every turn; and for some of us, it takes a lifetime. With that said, you look in the mirror at yourself, and ask, "Should I stop taking these pills?" Stay on them until Christmas, log your calories, and I'll think you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.
  • uncurvymotivation
    So, you don't take the pills for one day, and you think you're in a safe place when it comes to food? Self-control begins with taking your medications that your doctor prescribed to you. There is a multitude of food choices in American, and you have to learn how to navigate through all those choices, and make sound decisions concerning your health. It isn't something that an individual can learn in a matter of days or weeks or even years. It takes a whole lot of trial and error, especially for somebody with an eating disorder, to master. By taking the pills, being consistent with logging, and learning to eat within your calorie limit, you can reach your weight-loss goal; but as you go on this journey, you must remember that it doesn't happen overnight, or even in a year depending on how much weight you need to lose. It takes a rethinking, a re-examination of food on every turn; and for some of us, it takes a lifetime. With that said, you look in the mirror at yourself, and ask, "Should I stop taking these pills?" Stay on them until Christmas, log your calories, and I'll think you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

    I do respect your opinion...however i was debating on it because after i joined this site I noticed all the negative comments regarding phentermine and the long term side affects, i was concerned about how it would affect me in the long run... thats all. its not about self control. I don't expect it to happen overnight either, it is a lifestyle change for me. Thank you for your comments though.
  • uncurvymotivation
    That effect will last about a week depending on how long you were on the pills. I did a phentermine based diet in the fall with my doctor. Was on phentermine for 3 months with a 1000 calorie/day low carb diet. Lost a ton of weight and have kept it ALL off since then. I started weening off the pills when I had about a weeks worth left. I would take them every third day and it took me about 2 weeks after they were all gone for me to start feeling truly hungry again. I never felt "high" on them or sick at all. Best thing I ever did.

    its great to know that some people have good another thread was all negative. thank you!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I've taken it, and I'm very against it. It DOES suppress your appetite and it DOES increase your metabolism. I say to get rid of it altogether. It can be bad for your heart, make you have sleep problems, and when you stop taking it, your body's metabolism is messed up, and most people gain weight because of that. You're taking what seems like a low dose, so all of these effects may not be as strong yet, but it DOES build up in your system, so the longer you're on it, the chances of developing any of these side affects will increase. Watch what you eat and exercise. People have proven over and over and over and over that this is the only real solution to lasting weight management.
  • cwglosin4vaca
    cwglosin4vaca Posts: 63 Member
    I have debated whether or not to try this. I had tried it once and it worked, but I hit a really bad time in my life, put on 60 pounds and here I am....
  • LadyD1001
    LadyD1001 Posts: 1
    My doctor just put me on phentermine. She stressed this is short term only to help get my weight loss moving again - I have been following a healthy plan since February - lost about 23 pounds in the first two and a half months and absolutely nothing since mid-April. I go down a couple and then back up - I'm still within a pound of where I was in mid-April. I have kept a food journal and have kept my calories between 1400 and 1600 nearly every day (bear in mind I'm over 6 foot tall, so I do need more than most people - that's still 800-1,000 calories a day below my BMR). I admit that I wasn't doing a terrific job on exercise, but I wasn't skimping it either - I was going for 30-45 minute walks 3-4 times a week for most weeks. And nothing. Just nothing.

    So, I had very mixed feelings about going on this drug - I've heard bad things too - but I've also heard really good things where it helped people who were morbidly obese (as I am) get enough weight off that they could keep moving forward with good nutrition and exercise. I think this is definitely not a drug for people with smaller amounts to lose - this is a last ditch effort to get people who are life-threateningly overweight down to a point where other interventions, like bariatric surgery, or just being physically capable of exercising, can take over. And it's definitely not a quick fix - as OPs have pointed out - the only way is a lifestyle change, but some people need help getting to that point.

    I'm on the lowest dose - 15 mg in the morning only - and this is my third day on it. I do feel the effects on my sleep - I had a very difficult time sleeping last night, and we are monitoring my blood pressure very closely as it can cause that to rise. Fortunately, even with my weight, my blood pressure is perfect when not on this medicine. I had one episode yesterday where my heart started racing uncontrollably. It was scary, but it only lasted a couple of seconds. However, I have had similar effects from simply drinking too much caffeine.

    I know you can't really check weight loss on a day to day basis, but I have to admit, I've checked the past three days, just out of curiosity and I am seeing substantial decreases every day. We will see if that holds through to my next check-in in a week and a half. I still have mixed feelings about this - I would like to get to a point where I can get off this drug as quickly as possible - but at the same time, I am extremely frustrated at three months of doing all the right things and not losing anything. So, we'll see....
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    I loved phentermine. for the first time in my life I was able to control my eating. Half doses most days did it for me, but when i knew i was going into a situation i took another half dose. It was an awesome tool for me. I took it for 6 months, now taking 6 months off. It isn't for everyone, but for me it was great.
  • JRB1965
    JRB1965 Posts: 15
    I have been taking phentermine for 3 months. Initially I saw dramatic decrease in weight. Not sure how much I could contribute to phentermine and how much I could contribute to MyFitnessPal and a 1200 calorie diet plan. My doctor has been pleased with my progress but I am frustrated because I seem to have hit a plateau. Bought a treadmill a couple of weeks ago. Started out at only what I could tolerate. Sadly, that was only about 5 minutes at a time. After three weeks, I am glad to say that I can handle 30 minutes following the C25K plan. 5 min warm up at 3.5 mph, then alternating 1 min at 6 mph and 1.5 min at 3.5 mph, concluding with a 5 min cool down at 3.5 mph. After my first week of completing the full 28 minute workout and burning 270 calories per day, I finally lost 1 pound. No dancing in the streets but at least it is progress.

    Could use more friends for support...
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I have lost 80lbs without drugs 6 years ago and again i have lost another 18 this year without drugs. You just need motivation some short term goals to meet and enjoy your journey. 9lbs since June isnt much if you are taking a drug. I started in May and 18lbs later i am still doing it. For me it is a life style change, not a diet so i have that kind of mind frame. I boost my metabolism by exercising. I eat tasty food s still.
  • JRB1965
    JRB1965 Posts: 15
    Curious if age is a factor. In my late 40's, I find that the help that my doctor is providing is appreciated.