Cause of Migraines????

memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, I don't know if there are any doctors out there, but I sure could use some input here.

For the past week I have had MAJOR Headaches. I went to the ER because I had this headache for 3 days and then couldn't stop throwing up. They said it was a migraine. I was given demerol, teradol, vicadin and phenegren for the nausea. The headaches have not stopped and I am still throwing up. I got some Imatrex for migraines and have taken almost all of them just since Friday. Does anyone have any ideas why I keep getting these awful headaches???? The headache comes on real fast and then I start sweating and get heartburn. Then I start throwing up. I know I am not pregnant!!! So can any of you think of why this might be happening to me???? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am so tired of feeling this way. I am used to having headaches, but this is unreal!!!

Please help.


  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Okay, I don't know if there are any doctors out there, but I sure could use some input here.

    For the past week I have had MAJOR Headaches. I went to the ER because I had this headache for 3 days and then couldn't stop throwing up. They said it was a migraine. I was given demerol, teradol, vicadin and phenegren for the nausea. The headaches have not stopped and I am still throwing up. I got some Imatrex for migraines and have taken almost all of them just since Friday. Does anyone have any ideas why I keep getting these awful headaches???? The headache comes on real fast and then I start sweating and get heartburn. Then I start throwing up. I know I am not pregnant!!! So can any of you think of why this might be happening to me???? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am so tired of feeling this way. I am used to having headaches, but this is unreal!!!

    Please help.
  • I am NOT a doctor -- so with that in mind....

    I would have a full physical work up INCLUDING a hormone panel done where they measure the progesterone, 3 different estrogens, DHEA, etc. I've found for myself and through reading that lack of progesterone (or being estrogen dominant) can lead to severe headaches. Find a caring doctor that is knowledgable about bio-identical hormones and proceed from there.

    For temporary relief I've found the best thing to do is lie in the bathtub of warm but not too hot water with most of your head under water but still breathing though your nose. The warmth allows for the blood vessels to relax and I usually get some relief for my headaches.

    Hope some of this will help and that you are feeling better soon!
  • My son gets nauseating headaches from not eating all day. Terrible headaches that he has to have quiet and darkness to get over. I've heard not getting enough water can do it, too. Good luck!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Just had another "espisode" (throwing up) this morning, here at work. Man I hate the episodes!!!
    I have never experienced this in my life. I hadn't thrown up in over 2 years and I think I have thrown up more in the past week than I have in my entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE GOT to find some sort of releif. Something is so not right.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Sounds like an allergy to me. People can develop allergies at any time. What did you have for breakfast and snack (if you had one). Are you taking anything in the morning (vitamins)? Niacin made me sick when I tried taking it. Are you under a lot of stress?

    I'm off to Fort Worth, but I'll try to check in again tonight.
  • This may have nothing to do with you problems, but I have found artificial sweetener to give me migraines. Splenda is in fact the worst and one of the side effects is migraines. I figured this out because I began developing them after I started using Splenda regularly. Now, I make sure to stay away from anything that has it. Also, aspartame can cause migraines as well. Hope you get to feeling better!
  • go see the doctor the flu is going around also if it truley is a migrain they can be triggered by something you eat or drink print out your food journal and take it with you note if you can see any patterns that relate to the onset of the headaches just a thought and a advantage to loging you food intake
  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    Have you tried seeing a naturopath?
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Have you tried seeing a naturopath?
    what's that?
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Also not a doctor ..

    I would agree with alaskagirl that you need to pursue further with the doctor. The meds you got at the ER are not working for you, and your symptoms are incapacitating (from what I read). If you have a regular doctor, that is where I would start - he/she will know you best. If not, this is a great time to get one.

    One other suggestion in the meantime, if it is a true migraine, you will want to constrict the blood vessels to the head and neck. Therefore, ice packs will work better than heat. This is how I tell the difference between true migraines and tension headaches (which can be just as nasty sometimes). Also for migraines, a dark room and silence is a must.

    I hope you are feeling better soon - I will be checking in again to make sure you are OK..
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Also not a doctor ..

    I would agree with alaskagirl that you need to pursue further with the doctor. The meds you got at the ER are not working for you, and your symptoms are incapacitating (from what I read). If you have a regular doctor, that is where I would start - he/she will know you best. If not, this is a great time to get one.

    One other suggestion in the meantime, if it is a true migraine, you will want to constrict the blood vessels to the head and neck. Therefore, ice packs will work better than heat. This is how I tell the difference between true migraines and tension headaches (which can be just as nasty sometimes). Also for migraines, a dark room and silence is a must.

    I hope you are feeling better soon - I will be checking in again to make sure you are OK..
    I have an appt at 330 today with my regular doc. I tried to get in Friday but she wasn't there. Something is definately wrong. I never throw up and now that's all I do. I feel fine for a few minutes then, my head starts hurting, my hands start sweating, I get heartburn, then I throw up. It's a viscous cycle and I am so ready to feel better. I will post what the doc tells me.
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    I can feel your pain, as I am a migraine sufferer also. Lucky for me it has been almost two years since I have had one. Mine we're worst during that time of the month, so I would go see a massage therapist just prior to my period and that seemed to help. He also told me to sit in a hot bath, and put a cold cloth on my head. He said that the blood will move away from the cold , therefore possibly releiving the head pounding. I would also just lay down with a cold cloth ,and that would also help.
    Good luck.
  • RowanC
    RowanC Posts: 38
    Please see my thread on Multiple Chemical Sensitivities.
    It could be something as simple as a lotion or air freshener.
    If your doctor finds "nothing" wrong, please don't take chemical drugs.
    Research MCS.
    Allopaths don't want to believe it is real, but it is.
    You need a specialist in environmental medicine if your allopath can't find a cause.
    Don't let them just treat the symptoms...

    I've experienced what you are going through.
    It took me 3 years to figure out my problem.
    There is a lot of information on the link I supplied on my thread.

    Good luck!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Have you had your tooth taken care of yet? That could be part of the problem, however, my mother suffered from severe migranes my entire life, they would knock her out for days. She preferred heat on her head and sitting in a cold dark room, however, I find that a cold compress and a warm bath or shower helps me.

    She tried to avoid foods, wines, everything. Her worst migranes were during menopause so her doctors finally figures she must have hormone induced migranes, problem is, she still gets them and she is well past menopause.

    She and I both have problems with headaches brought on by scents, like perfumes, powders, candles etc. You may want to eliminate any scented lotions, fragances, sprays, soaps etc from your environment to help eliminate those factors as a cause to your headaches.

    I get them just before I start my period, like clock work. From watching what my mother went through, you are going to have to really work with your doctors and find what combination of diet and/or medication best help you. LIke I said earlier, your tooth that needs the root canal can possibly be irritating the sinuses and sinus headaches or problems can lead to migranes, make sure to ask the doctor or call the dentist to make sure you don't have an infection going on that needs antibiotics.

    I'll be thinking of you, let us know what you find out. :flowerforyou:
  • sometimes even when im not totally stressed i develop tension in my shoulders.. sometimes when i workout with weights i find it creates alot of tightness in my shoulders and sometimes causes headaches. but i also suffer from migraines. my doctor sent me to a neurologist who did ct scans and a mri found there to be nothing wrong. he then set me up on a mix of 3 different meds costing me 300 a month. after 3 months i had no relief. my original doctor moved so i started seeing someone else. he is the most caring doc ive ever had. he took me off all meds ran a full blood panel. evrything was ok. he asked me to start taking magnesium 400 mg a day. he wanted to start with vitamins just incase i was lacking some where. believe it or not i took the magnesium and very rarely get headaches now. definately see your doc maybe get a full blood workup and exam. i also agree with printing out your food log and taking it with you. generally they ask for that to see if there is a food, like chocolate or caffeine, that could be the prob. good luck hope you feel better soon.
  • I've had a similar experience twice in the past couple years where i would get really bad headaches and throw up a lot. Both times I thought it was a pregnancy scare, but it ended up being a medication I was taking that had expired. so check the expiration dates on everything you take and make sure you're not taking an expired vitamin.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Ok, I'm not a doctor either but....this was unexpected for me.

    I started developing migraines last year and had never had them before. Saw a doctor about them, tried various medications, got tested for allergies, tried varying my diet....nothing helped. Then I went to see a chiropractor about some lower back pain. Turns out that my neck was out of alignment, probably from a minor accident I had been in. After the second week of treatment I stopped getting migraines.
  • tjblack
    tjblack Posts: 122
    Also not a doctor,

    But......My Mom was having headaches for over a year and not a single doctor could figure out why. she came to stay with me for 7 weeks and i took her into Boston to a specialist and found out that she had a slipped disc.

    So, don't give up and if what the doctor says does not work, keep at them and make them do more tests.

    On a temp. level, when my hubby gets a migraine (he gets really bad ones), he will rub a little BenGay on his forehead, take some extra strength excedrine and lay down in a dark room. I know it sounds funny, but it actually works for him. I have to confess, I've done it before also!

    Waiting to hear what the DR. says. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    I just messaged you.

  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    Usually a doctor who has been trained in Chinese or Eastern medicines, like acupuncture. I started seeing one for my allergies and digestive problems and it has helped. I haven't been able to go as often as I like, but I have definitely seen an improvement in both issues that have plagued me for almost 20 years. Mine treats a lot of people with migraines and they have sworn by it. I just say, when Western medicine hasn't gotten you anywhere, maybe an alternative, non-drug treatment may be worth a shot!
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