Vegetarian Convert!

Hi! I am new to the community and also new to being a vegetarian. I have dabbled in it here and there while in college but boyfriends always pulled me off of it.

That being said, any grocery store suggestions for me? Anything would be appreciated! I'm thinking veggie burgers or any other finds other than the obvious fruits and veggies.

Also any meals that you like to make would be helpful as well! I have Pinterest but hearing actual opinions and suggestions are way more helpful.


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Legumes are your friends. Veggie chili, bean soup, bean burritos, beans on salads ...
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for a year now. Even though I eat beans, nuts and etc. I still find I am really short on the protein side of things. I was hoping to Join this group to generate new ideas for increasing my protein intake. Also losingbaylee: Quorn brand is awesome especially if you are looking for a delicious “chicken patty” there is no processed soy in it which is healthier for you. I will be happy to post some of my favorite recipes. I have two young kids who fought me when I changed from meat to veggies and they love some of the recipes I have cooked up 😊 Good luck on your journey!!!
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    I agree with Lynn, legumes are ideal. Lentils cook up quickly and can be made into soups. My favorite right now is adding chopped, oven- roasted red peppers and eggplants (no oil) and some spinach to lentils and veggie broth. Tempeh is a useful soybean-based product you can use in many ways, adding it to soups and stews. Commercial burgers are fine now and then, but they tend to be high in fat and sodium--Depends on what you're after. The Beyond Burger is tasty and full of protein but very high in fat, and my vegetarian-raised children thought the meatlike flavor was weird. My favorite dinner is a vegan "nicecream" made from frozen banana slices pureed in a small food processor with 5T PB2, 2T cocoa, and 2 T. oatmeal, under 1/2 c. of walnut milk added to process it. Sometimes I add a pea protein based powder, but not usually. My favorite lunch is a big pan of chopped, no-oil roasted Butternut squash, Pink Lady apple, and either chopped (frozen) Brussels sprouts or broccoli florets all mixed together. Sometimes for a quick meal I'll just spread some good hummus on a piece of cooked tempeh, but I'm not sure everyone would love that. I don't tend to do a lot of long, involved recipes. This is the stuff I can make quickly for myself with very little work on my part to eat just everyday. I've been on a whole wheat pita bread kick for breakfast, warmed 1 minute in the microwave, spread with 2 T. fresh ground at the store almond butter and topped with 1/2 Pink Lady apple slices. Amaranth porridge is high in protein and iron and very filling. Quinoa is another high protein seed you can eat like a grain. This is my absolute favorite recipe made with it: It's almost 29 years since I went vegetarian, the day after New Year's Day. Experiment lots and enjoy your new diet!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I am not vegatarian but I use Quorn to bulk up things like bolognese or stir frys because it is low cal high protein.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited November 2018
    If you have mold or mushroom allergies, be careful with Quorn - it's made with the vat-grown fungus Fusarium venenatum and some have had bad reactions to it.

    For breakfast sausage and fake bacon, I've tried a number of brands (including Quorn) and the best of the lot in my opinion is Morningside brand. For veggie burgers, Boca is the go-to brand for me. Try a variety of legumes: lentils, garbanzos, black beans, cannelini, etc. all have very different textures and tastes. I've been a big fan of lentils since I was a kid - and there are different varieties of lentils, too: big, small, red, yellow, black.

    You can even use legume cooking liquid as an egg white substitute in recipes - see this article:
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hi! I am new to the community and also new to being a vegetarian. I have dabbled in it here and there while in college but boyfriends always pulled me off of it.

    That being said, any grocery store suggestions for me? Anything would be appreciated! I'm thinking veggie burgers or any other finds other than the obvious fruits and veggies.

    Also any meals that you like to make would be helpful as well! I have Pinterest but hearing actual opinions and suggestions are way more helpful.

    I'm not vegetarian, but when I have meatless meals, they are often centered around tofu, lentils, beans, and whole grains. I will also go on Morning Star Burger kicks :smile:
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    For prepackaged vegetarian, I like morning star garden veggie burgers and spicy black bean burgers, Amy's black bean chili(even hubby likes it) and most of their frozen meals. I roast veggies for my lunches or dinners, it gives everything so much flavor. You can do olive or coconut oil and salt/pepper or other seasoning, or marinate in different salad dressings. Lentils, nutritional yeast, cottage cheese, and eggs are good for protein. You can also put a bunch of veggies in a pot of water and make delicious soup. Potatoes and beans to bulk it up a little.
  • commoner03
    commoner03 Posts: 1 Member
    Nutritional Yeast is your friend. Sprinkle it in your cooking for a little protein and energy boost. It adds a savory taste, some compare it to cheese or nuts.

    Also, you get surprising amounts of protein from your green veggies like broccoli and Brussels Sprouts.

    Ultimately though you’ll need to eat beans in some form. I find things like tempeh and hummus to be easiest on the gasses, and don’t forget to soak and drain your beans.
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    Our family just had the best soup tonight it was veggie broth with organic crushed tomatoes, onions, portabella mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, kale, cannelloni beans, garlic, basil, black pepper, and Farro (which is similar to rice) it simmered all day in the crockpot. Then topped with Parmesan cheese or nutritional yeast right before eating it. No measurements just threw whatever I had in the pot. My daughter loved it so much she had two bowls. This is great for anyone looking for a quick and filling dinner idea. We even have some leftover for lunch tomorrow 😊 We are from the North so it was nice to have on a super chilly night.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    163 vegetarian recipes featuring beans and legumes: ?f[0]=field_special_diet:25&f[1]=field_recipe_main_ingredient:789

    Also, your library system probably has lots of vegetarian cookbooks.