Just starting ... again

Over the past year I’ve gained 50 lbs
Start weight 228, that was 4 days ago. Now 225.4. I get very discouraged if I don’t see the scale drop at a steady pace. What is normal for a person to loose each week? I’m eating high protein, no starches ( bread , rice, potatoes) and just sweetened creamer in my coffee.


  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    1-2 pounds per week!
    That's a healthy lose the first week may be high due to water weight. Best of luck! I am restarting today too!
  • bishopjulia83
    bishopjulia83 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok 1-2 is good. I just gotta keep at, keep counting and enter “everything” ☺️
  • pgb3050
    pgb3050 Posts: 15 Member
    I’m starting over today too! Hoping to make it stick this tome too!! Need a great support system
  • DragonFlower38
    DragonFlower38 Posts: 1 Member
    Today I begin again. I was thrown from the program I had set up for myself May 2017 when our daughter got sick and died on June 06, 2017. Today I begin again to keep a promise to her to become healthier. We can do this! we just need to support each other. There will be days that it is hard to keep to what we want to do. These are the days we need to support each other the most.
  • danni19882018
    danni19882018 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys so I’m starting today after weighing myself today I’m so shocked how much Weight I’ve put on if people could add me as a friend that would be great xx
  • pgb3050
    pgb3050 Posts: 15 Member
    I don’t know how! I’m new today is day 1 and I’d love some support friends too!!
  • bishopjulia83
    bishopjulia83 Posts: 6 Member
    Start weight 228 goal is 170 , we got this!!!
  • KABO931
    KABO931 Posts: 10 Member
    Woo! Love the energy here -- we've got this!