Back on fitness pal

My name is Sarah, and this is my second time using fitness pal seriously. I used it before I had kids and it has been the only thing I have ever done that helped me lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off. Unfortunately, after having two beautiful girls, 4 and almost 2, I put all of the weight back on and have been unable to lose it, basically because I haven't been sticking to any sort of plan. I run an at home daycare, which can be pretty stressful at times, and I feel like my snacking has gotten pretty out of control, especially since I have all of the goldfish and teddy grahams at arms' reach. Right now I am not planning on starting any specific workout regime for a few reasons. I am on my feet almost all day chasing kids around, and my youngest daughter wakes up around 6 am, making a morning workout or run impossible unless I want to wake up at 5. Sleep is very sacred and important to me. Any tips on squeezing in mini workouts here and there would be greatly appreciated! My weak points in the day are definitely snack time and lunch time, breakfast and dinner it is usually easy for me to eat a reasonable, sensible meal. My husband and I both love food and love cooking. He has never had an issue with his weight, so it is a little difficult for him when I am not eating/cooking the same meals. My coffee is another weak point of mine, as I use about 200 calories a day in empty calories with the creamer. I would love it if I enjoyed black coffee, but so far, that hasn't appealed to me.


  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome Sarah - I feel like I'm in the same situation as you. I'm going to add you as a friend - good luck girl!! :)