Menstrual and Pre-Menstrual Cravings - Tips and Tricks

callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
edited November 2018 in Food and Nutrition
What are your struggles with menstrual cravings? What are some salvos for you before or during your cycle?

In the past I mostly had salty cravings during my cycle, but about a year ago I started noticing that I started getting monster cravings immediately before my cycle that would flash between sweet and salty foods, back and forth. It usually lets up on day 2 or 3 for me, but it's absolute madness trying to keep the cravings at bay. It threw me off track overall pretty badly about 3 or 4 months ago and it's been hard trying to get back up to speed since. I'm in a much better place now to get back to it, but I want to go into this month's battle with armor and weapons.

This isn't just about food tips, if you make a point to get better sleep, or take relaxing baths, I wanna hear all about it!

(Also, please feel free to add me. I could use more friends! :))


  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    I had read somewhere (but take it with a grain of salt) that a lot of hormonal cravings tends to be centered around wanting carbs, but that your brain can mix the carbs signal with craving sugar-overloaded foods. Since reading about it, one tip I've employed is toast! Toast of all flavors and shapes. Avocado on sourdough, eggs on whole grain, jam and peanut butter on wheat.

    Whether the science of it is hormone-related cravings reacting to carbs specifically, or if it's just a matter of satisfying a craving with fiber-rich food, it helps a bunch for me. :)
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Personally I try to get busy and stick to my typical routine and calories. If it's one of those fiendish want holes, nothing will make much difference and what would help generally involves torpedoing everything.
  • admaarie
    admaarie Posts: 4,297 Member
    I try to fit most of my cravings into my day. Days leading up to my period is when I get cravings, so I include these things in moderation.
  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    admaarie wrote: »
    I try to fit most of my cravings into my day. Days leading up to my period is when I get cravings, so I include these things in moderation.
    I find it very difficult to include in moderation, because I always overindulge.Bbut it’s even worse if I try to cut it out altogether and use substitutes. Must find balance...

  • SarahBelle43
    SarahBelle43 Posts: 21 Member
    I have this same problem and for various other reasons (mood swings, cramps etc) decided to try out 90 day birth control and I love it. Might be work finding out if this would be a good option for you. I hated the monthly interruption that always seemed to happen right when I was getting in a good rhythm. dealing with it every 3 months is much more manageable.
  • admaarie
    admaarie Posts: 4,297 Member
    Haha that’s why I say “try”. There’s some days I’ll overindulge in whatever it is I’m craving but I find that only happens if I restricted for too long. That’s why I attempt to practice moderation every single day. If I want something I’ll have a little bit of it and move on. I have a binge and restrict history as well so I try to not tell myself I can’t have something.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    I'm heading for menopause and it's a nightmare, my cycle is currently very irregular after years of being on the dot every month and it's not until my monthly actually starts that I realise that was why my weight has gone up and down for no good reason and I've been starving!

    If you know roughly when you are likely to be craving my advice would be to plan around it and treat it as maintenance days, that way you can satisfy your craving without feeling like you've jeapordised your plan.
  • TanyaHooton
    TanyaHooton Posts: 249 Member
    I have read on MFP forums that the body burns 100-200 more calories at TOM, though I have never researched the science to confirm it is true. What helps me is remembering that wanting something specific is a craving, while being willing to eat anything is actual hunger. Sometimes I give in to the craving, but first I try to figure I want sweet or salty?

    If it's sweet, I get those 140 calories Chobani yogurts - satisfies the sweet but has protein to curb any actual hunger. If it's salty I try to get something with potatoes. I have a theory that my body is actually craving potassium and/or magnesium. I also take a bath with Epsom salts; they contain magnesium. Chocolate contains some magnesium, so I keep that nearby as well - but only the good quality stuff (high % cacao).

    For me exercise (yoga, elliptical, bodypump class, walking the dog extra) helps with sleep (sometimes my TOM symptoms are interrupted sleep) and earns calories to manage those cravings.
  • I try to keep track of when my period is due, so I can plan around the cravings. On a daily basis I try to stick to a certain caloric intake, but when it's that time of the month I try to rationally listen to what my body is telling me. If it signals cravings, I have to critically look: have I eaten recently, what have I eaten and if I were to eat now, what would it be and how would it benefit me and my body? I don't care much if I go over my caloric intake for those kinds of days. I'd rather trust my body to eat a bit more/different than struggle and end up feeling terrible. :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I had read somewhere (but take it with a grain of salt) that a lot of hormonal cravings tends to be centered around wanting carbs, but that your brain can mix the carbs signal with craving sugar-overloaded foods. Since reading about it, one tip I've employed is toast! Toast of all flavors and shapes. Avocado on sourdough, eggs on whole grain, jam and peanut butter on wheat.

    Whether the science of it is hormone-related cravings reacting to carbs specifically, or if it's just a matter of satisfying a craving with fiber-rich food, it helps a bunch for me. :)

    Because my metabolism is revved for a few days premenstrually, what my body actually wants is more food, but yes, my brain did used to interpret it as more carbs. I just eat at maintenance for a few days and that keeps things under control.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    I had 2 fun size Snicker's this morning and called them breakfast 🤷

    I usually wind up eating at maintenance for a day or two and sacrifice macro balance for satisfying my carb cravings. It hasn't affected my progress in any meaningful way that I can see.
  • Phoebe5164
    Phoebe5164 Posts: 79 Member
    I think planing is the key , I indulge in a chocolate fat bomb everyday ... just one!
    If I want salt ? I have pink sea salt ( so pretty), hormones can control your urges for sure .. you might want to talk to your dr because even a low dose birth control pill can help ... I feel for you sister ❤️❤️
  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    If it's sweet, I get those 140 calories Chobani yogurts - satisfies the sweet but has protein to curb any actual hunger. If it's salty I try to get something with potatoes. I have a theory that my body is actually craving potassium and/or magnesium. I also take a bath with Epsom salts; they contain magnesium. Chocolate contains some magnesium, so I keep that nearby as well - but only the good quality stuff (high % cacao).

    For me exercise (yoga, elliptical, bodypump class, walking the dog extra) helps with sleep (sometimes my TOM symptoms are interrupted sleep) and earns calories to manage those cravings.
    I love yogurt! Good call on the protein, it definitely helps curb the craving! Also, yes to all the potatoes. I always want fries or chips, but when I actually take the time to make baked potatoes, it definitely helps.

    I do need to incorporate more exercise, I've the most sedentary I've been in my life in the last year in general, and specifically in the last few months since I've gotten a car again.

    I keep seeing "eat at maintenance" being suggested and this is honestly something I haven't done yet. I think it sounds like great advice, and is very timely as I woke up in the middle of the night last night and polished off the last of my BBQ chips in a half-asleep state. That pushed me from a deficit into maintenance last night, but I feel better about it since it's a few days til the start of TOM.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't really have any food cravings that I really notice. I just have a day or two where I'm a total *kitten*.
  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    Phoebe5164 wrote: »
    I think planing is the key , I indulge in a chocolate fat bomb everyday ... just one!
    If I want salt ? I have pink sea salt ( so pretty), hormones can control your urges for sure .. you might want to talk to your dr because even a low dose birth control pill can help ... I feel for you sister ❤️❤️

    Actually this is something I've struggled with since I got my first period. I had never been regular without birth control, but birth control always, always resulted in weight gain and erratic cycles. I was off BC for about 6 years, then had an implant that made me gain, and lots of spotting. I am not on anything right now and want to keep it this way for a while. Since April I've had the most regular cycle I've had in my life. But I have also had worse cravings, so... I guess I should visit the doc soon, lol.
  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    edited November 2018
    I gained back a pound, but I want to say it's a combo of water weight evening out and stuffing myself at thanksgiving. Thanks again for all the support, ladies. Y'all are wonderful!
  • mklapuch
    mklapuch Posts: 1 Member
    This is a topic that's very near to my heart, as I feel like the older I get, the worse my symptoms become. Of course when I'm working out more, they're not as noticeable. The thing that's worked best for me has been mindful eating. Specifically, learning what my non-hunger triggers are. I'm not sure if this helps, but glad to see that support is out there!
  • lwhitman208
    lwhitman208 Posts: 22 Member
    I've been using these guidelines for the last few months and (*knock on wood*) I've noticed an improvement on how I feel during that fun, fun, fun time of the month.

    1. HEALTHY FATS: (Omega-3 fatty acids will decrease inflammation and pain.) 2-3 servings per week of fish, preferrably cold-water, like salmon, sardines or herring. Also found in walnuts, green/leafy veggies, chia seeds and eggs.
    2. MAGNESIUM: (Relaxes uterine muscles, improves anxiety and decreases sleep problems.) Again, fish, like halibut is magnesium-rich. More commonly (and cheaply) found in cashews, soybeans, spinach and almonds.
    3. ALL THE B-VITAMINS: (Increasing your thiamine intake can resolve pain and fatigue.) B-1 is found in lean pork, fish (IKR), dried beans, peas and fortified cereals. B-6 helps magnesium be absorbed by cells (BONUS!) and is also found in fortified cereals, potatoes with skin, bananas, chicken breasts and pork loin.
    4. VITAMIN-E: (Anti-inflammatory and should be increased a few days prior to expected symptoms.). Almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, broccoli, fortified cereals and fruit juices.

    Also... I will never ever deny myself a craving because I feel like I'll overcompensate eventually, especially when I'm hormonal. I just try to keep the amount I eat in check.

    Hope this helps y'all, too!!!