What incentive have you given or gave yourself



  • Coloneyhatch
    Coloneyhatch Posts: 5 Member
    You don't really need to give yourself any incentives, weight loss and weight maintenance are actually quite easy,
    the difficult bits are 1. How badly do you really want it? 2. Are you in that happy spot in life?
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I never even thought of rewarding myself for losing weight. The loss itself was the reward. I also know that there's no such thing as a finish to the process. I'll need to be working hard for the rest of my life to maintain a weight that I'm happy with.

    I thought about it, but couldn't think of anything that comes close to the feeling of achievement, and the happiness that's resulted from managing my weight and exercising regularly. Maintaining 2 years and nearly 8 months now.

  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    I have 80 pints of "homebrew" on the go. When I drop below 80kg I plan to enjoy some of it. I am currently at 83kg and hope I can lose 3kg over the next few weeks which is, incidentally, when the beer will be ready. My end goal is to drop below 75kg and maintain that. I think I will need to buy new clothes - not a reward but a necessity :)
  • me0231
    me0231 Posts: 218 Member
    I actually do reward myself. When I was actively losing I set mini goals and when I reached them I'd treat myself for a massage or get a fancy mani/pedi, etc. When I hit one year of regular gym going I got myself new wireless headphones, when I hit goal I booked a trek to Machu Picchu. And I will get a tattoo when I hit one year maintenance early next year at a stable weight. It works for me.

    It taught me that rewards don't have to be food based. Back in the day when I got good grades I got to choose what I want for dinner. Pass an exam? Have a chocolate bar, graduate? Feast for 3 days uncontrollably. So yeah, it's worked for me though I agree that it's not necessary. Being healthy and feeling good about myself is the reward that really counts but I also don't see anything wrong with spoiling myself for a job well done
  • tbright1965
    tbright1965 Posts: 852 Member
    .. for when, or if you have reached your goal? I’d like to treat myself when I do I’ve picked out a dress I’m going to buy.. what about you? ..

    New Carbon Fiber bicycle when I drop below 200#