Weigh in withdrawals

moonflower09 Posts: 91 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
I have comitted to 1 x a week weighins on Monday mornings so I can focus on behaviour instead of a number on a scale. That scale peeks out from under the claw food tub but I just ignore it. I can not believe how long the time is between weigh ins. I know I have had great success this week no matter what the scale shows Monday morning. I have committed to making this a lifetime change. But...theres all that weird stuff that makes me wonder....what if I gain, what if I stay the same...or sometimes even more anxiety from the thought of actually loosing.....


  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I sometimes weigh myself morning and night... And weigh virtually every day... I like to see the trends and since I don't take it seriously, I don't think it's destructive
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I'm only doing it once a week now too, and it's driving me crazy! I think we have issues.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I'm only doing it once a week now too, and it's driving me crazy! I think we have issues.

    haha, me too.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I weigh everyday.....at least 5 days a week! The minute I quit weighing everyday, I get unfocused and gain weight. Last year, I started avoiding the scale and put on like 15 lbs....when I really needed to lose like 5 more!! I am back at weighing everyday and am refocused......Just for what it's worth! :happy:
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Good for you! I had to go on a business trip to break that habit -- no scale, and no time to weigh, either. I have found that I haven't really missed it, and am noticing other changes, like needing to tighten my belt.
  • ahizzel
    ahizzel Posts: 28 Member
    You are not alone. I weigh myself on Friday and have recently asked my husband to hide the scale until the following Friday. If it's there then I have to weigh myself everyday and that's when I get frustrated about the weight going up and down daily.
    I know exactly how you feel about the loooonnnnngggg weeks before the next weigh in. It's almost worse then staying away from the sweets I love so much.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Those are all common questions we ask ourselves every time we step on the scale. You just need to put those questions/ doubts/ fears into perspective. This is just a number and it changes on a daily basis even hourly you just need to figure out your body. When I was weighing in once a week- I would feel discouraged if I had gained weight on that day after having a great week. Now, I allow myself to check my weight daily if I want. This has allowed me to identify patterns for weight gain and losses that occur naturally in my body. I don't allow myself to get upset about gain, but I do get excited about losses no matter how small. I still only record my weight once a week officially but I only report losses. This allows me to follow trends and see patterns that are occurring. Figure out what is best for you and remember you may not lose in numbers but you could be losing inches around your body.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I have a bad case of scale withdrawal right now. I injured my leg around 3 weeks ago, and it's affected my balance. In other words, I keep physically falling off the scale. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since I've weighed in, but I'm not worried. I was able to pull off my jeans today without unbuttoning or unzipping them. So, I'm definitely on track. It will be another week or so til I weigh in.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    I weigh myself everyday but only record on Fridays. I too lose motivation if I am not getting on that scale everyday. Its like when I go up, I think what did I do wrong yesterday that I can change today.

    I also think its funny to weigh myself before and after going to the bathroom! I know TMI!! hahahahahah:laugh: :blushing:
  • I'm so glad you posted this I wasn't sure myself when to weigh in..so I think every Monday shall be my day, that way maybe I will stay on the straight and narrow path on weekends for weigh in Mondays XD
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    UGH I need to hide my scale! I get so depressed even though I KNOW deep down that its just a number and it fluctuates (sodium, water intake) but no matter what I tell myself, if I see a lb increase I am pissed the rest of the day.

    I think I will tell my bf to just hide it from me because its does frustrate me. He always hears me stepping on and off it and tells me to stop lol. :blushing: I might be obsessed..
  • PenTool
    PenTool Posts: 50 Member
    I feel your pain! I've weighed myself every Monday morning since I started this diet (June 6, 2011). Sometimes I was dying to hop on and take a quick peek, but I restrained myself. Better to be pleasantly surprised once a week than suffer the ups and downs of daily weigh-ins.

    It's especially hard now since I've been away from my scale for about 3 weeks and I refuse to step on another scale :noway:

    When I get home I know I'll have a big surprise awaiting me...it's almost like Christmas time!
  • moonflower09
    moonflower09 Posts: 91 Member
    I like the idea of Monday weigh ins too because I make a big Sunday Dinner. Now that I have joined MFP I am excited about trying new recipes from Eating Wells great Summer diet recipes for my Family get togethers. I have to say it is such a great relief NOT to weigh in everyday. I really love starting the day with out greeting the scale. It feels like freedom for now. Plus I am very dedicated to my journaling and healthy eating.
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    I try to only weigh in every Monday. That changed from Wednesday after I figured out that I tend to weigh heavier in the middle of the week than I do right after the weekend. Now having said that, I can rarely resist at least one peek during the week. For example, I weighed this morning because I had a very bad day yesterday--blast those work-sponsored happy hours! I wanted to see how bad the damage was or if all the exercise I also put in yesterday helped counteract it. I also sometimes weigh if I think I've had a particularly good week and want to see if it's showing up yet.

    But you're right; it's addictive!
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