Wyoming Girl In Need of Support

Hi, I've been on here for years, every time I add friends, there never communicate with me. I've been at a plateau for 6 months and I'm down to my last 15-20lbs to hit my goal. Looking for fellow Wyoming people or ANYONE for support! Thank you! 😎


  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Adding you. (But I'm not from Wyoming).
  • sahara524
    sahara524 Posts: 3 Member
    Me two adding you. I have 15 lbs to go and regularly log my food n exercise. I love Wyoming. Love it! Skiing is the bomb there. Wish I did live there.
  • kimmie373
    kimmie373 Posts: 57 Member
    I am from Wyoming. Live in Alaska now. I have not been real steady with my Fitness Pal for awhile now. I have been busy dealing with cancer. I want to make sure I don’t over eat this December. Need to start a good exercise program again. Adding new Fitness Pal friends I think would be a good start to the upcoming new year.
  • Breezer628
    Breezer628 Posts: 52 Member
    I’m in Wyoming! I’d love to be your friend!
  • AZrising
    AZrising Posts: 58 Member
    CandiCulek wrote: »
    Hi, I've been on here for years, every time I add friends, there never communicate with me. I've been at a plateau for 6 months and I'm down to my last 15-20lbs to hit my goal. Looking for fellow Wyoming people or ANYONE for support! Thank you! 😎

    Add me if you want some more support. I’m in a similar place and will give you that extra push when you need it, and hope you can do the same back. Keep it up, you got this. Keep pushing.