
nomasoyo Posts: 1 Member
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
I have been doing P90X for 2 weeks. Unfortunately I missed a week, so it could of been 3 weeks by now. :( I plan on starting over tomorrow. To sorta catch up on my calories lost, I plan on doing the hardest video (Plyometrics) all week. Wish me luck! Alex


  • Good luck, that is one hard video series. I tried it out, but couldn't stay consistent with them...I was so sore after some of the workouts. It's been awhile, I should give them another go! Hope you stick with it this week. :) A
  • I've done the whole program, there are shortcuts around certain things such as plyo or yoga they can be substituted as extra rest days in between workouts if you struggle to much with them. Also always remember that abs are not suppose to be done everyday nor ever back to back days. You have to give your body time to rebuild the fibers in your muscles. So it is always important to follow the rules.
  • I looked into the P90X and based on reviews went with P90. It's a less extreme version but is also done by Tony Horton. It is NOT, in any sense of the word, easy... but there's no way I could jump into P90X while in this bad of shape. The program is kicking my butt... but I've put into it everything I can every night for 2 weeks now and am already seeing results. Good Luck!!!!!
  • MadDogTannen22
    MadDogTannen22 Posts: 88 Member
    I agree, I mix it up. I love the strength straining videos (its like having your own personal trainer), but I hate the Yoga and plyometrics. I use a different Yoga video, any one will work, that doesn't have you continuously moving the entire time. I think that doesn't do as much as real yoga for flexibility. As for Plyo, that kicked my butt, and I don't think it is fun at all, and substitute other cardio, like hip hop abs and zumba. But its all about what works for the individual.
  • First day doing this today, MY GOD! I feel like iv had a fight, my whole body is sore.

    Whoever thought up crunchy frog isnt right in the head
  • i did p90x lost 30 pounds in 90 days and really cut down my body fat percentage tremendously i fell off the wagon most of the summer tho but i just started it up again this week wish me luck
  • Iv managed to find a decent downloadable version of just P90

    Seems alot more reasonable to start with
  • CorrieJane
    CorrieJane Posts: 249 Member
    plyometrics is tough!!! I've done a few of the workouts here and there, the dvds were given to me as a gift, but have just recently been thinking about doing the whole thing-except now I cant find my dvds anywhere!! very frustrating hah. good luck, those 90 days will fly by and you'll be glad you stuck with it!
  • plyometrics is tough!!! I've done a few of the workouts here and there, the dvds were given to me as a gift, but have just recently been thinking about doing the whole thing-except now I cant find my dvds anywhere!! very frustrating hah. good luck, those 90 days will fly by and you'll be glad you stuck with it!

    To be honest i was thinking of doing the ab/core part of it. Surely its better than nothing isnt it, i just dont get the time to do what is expected
  • CorrieJane
    CorrieJane Posts: 249 Member

    To be honest i was thinking of doing the ab/core part of it. Surely its better than nothing isnt it, i just dont get the time to do what is expected

    of course doing anything is better than nothing!! every small healthy change you make is a victory and a step in the right direction :)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I LOVE Plyo! Of all the cardio workouts included in P90X it is the one I like to do. I thought I'd really like KenpoX because I do Taekwondo but the Plyo wins for me hands down. I don't know that I'd do it every single day though! You will want to be careful that you don't over train trying to "catch up". I would probably just start the program over and not worry about playing catch up. The resistance days are designed to build your muscles and are pretty important in the program.

    If you're struggling to keep up just modify and do what you can. The biggest thing is to see personal improvement as you do the best you can. When I started there were so many things I couldn't do! But now I can do almost all of the moves. I still have to modify a couple of things on days my knees are feeling testy but the important thing is, I have seen VAST improvement over the course of working the program. I've done two rounds (so six months worth) and am definitely stronger and more fit than when I started.

    I just bought TurboFire and will be doing that (probably in combination with the P90X strength days because I love those workouts and don't want to lose the muscles I'm beginning to see peek out.) I was really worried that TurboFire would be too much for me with all the jumping around she does but apparently P90X set me up nicely for it because I've done a few of the workouts now and can keep up pretty well!

    As Tony says, "Do your best and forget the rest!" :D
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