How was the Kayla Itsines BBG?

I'm thinking of starting this and was wondering if anybody has done were your results???


  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    There are an abundance of free resources for exercise programs out there I don't think there's a need for anyone to pay for exercise routines/content, especially not on a subscription basis like this.
  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    That is fine and to each their own as to if you want to rustle up material on your own or purchase something already put together...but my actual question was
    for those who HAVE done it...what were you results and how did you like it?
  • Fear_The_Turtle
    Fear_The_Turtle Posts: 107 Member
    kirdyq wrote: »
    That is fine and to each their own as to if you want to rustle up material on your own or purchase something already put together...

    I'm not familiar with the one you're asking about so I can't speak to that, but I do agree that not everybody wants to come up with their own workouts, or wants to do the same routines over and over like you would with most purchased plans. I have a remote trainer who designs my workouts for me. I'm capable of doing it myself, but found I was skipping strength things that are important but I don't like. It also keeps things fresh.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    kirdyq wrote: »
    That is fine and to each their own as to if you want to rustle up material on your own or purchase something already put together...but my actual question was
    for those who HAVE done it...what were you results and how did you like it?

    I'm not at all encouraging strictly DIY workout plans. The vast majority of users (myself included) don't have the appropriate training or knowledge base to properly design a well-balanced routine with the proper volume and periodization; in my experience the results of doing so range from sub-optimal progress to injury.
  • pujas9706
    pujas9706 Posts: 1 Member
    I started 3 weeks ago, and I gotta say, it's pretty good! The first week definitely killed me the most, even though I would have considered myself relatively in shape, but now that I'm back doing the same workouts as the first week, I can definitely see my improvement. The most important part is holding yourself accountable - it's easy to stop after finishing one round, but you have to push yourself the full circuit or else you won't feel like you've done much. I've started adding a little cardio in addition to the 28 min circuit to get a rounded 1 hour workout.
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    I've done two rounds (done the 12 week program twice). I liked the results and I started to not hate doing the workouts, but I stopped after that because honestly I just like running more and don't love bodyweight/resistance workouts. That being said, I would still recommend it and would add that you also need to continue to eat in a deficit for the duration of the program. It can definitely help you get in shape, but you won't lose weight without a calorie deficit.

    But I also agree that there are plenty of other high quality free programs and resources available online. But it's up to you if you want to spend your money on it. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • BeckyBeebs
    BeckyBeebs Posts: 16 Member
    Haven't done the BBG. I follow Sia Cooper's 12 week Strong Body guides with very good results - did 3 rounds, and now on my fourth after a summer fall off the wagon. ~$50 a guide, and she has 3 versions. Easy to use, very little equipment needed and kicks my butt every round. I liked her focus on being strong vs just looking good in a bikini (although I want that too!).

    Paying for a guide or using free resources is definitely a personal choice. I find I'm more balanced, varied and go harder with a guide - and I don't stress about or spend time figuring out what I'm going to do today.
  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    I find sometimes if I have a little money in the game, that I hold myself to it a bit more - b/c I don't want to feel like I wasted my $$$. The BBG guide I bought was $50 for 12 weeks, so that is not outside of my budget range. I didn't buy into any sort of subscription thing as of now.

    I'm at a point in my journey where I've lost a decent amount of weight. Actually all I have been doing is focusing on eating well. For exercise, I just try to not be totally sedentary at home and work on projects around our house, yard, and our farm. So, now I'd like to step up my exercise game as my next step in order to tone up a bit. I have been just literally thrilled that I am fitting into most of my old clothing!

    Thanks to those of you who have given me comments on your actual BBG results or similar things.
  • smulgrove
    smulgrove Posts: 2 Member
    I have the book i tried and failed
    The meals was costing me way to much money
    & i found it more motivational going to the gym
    And doing classes rather than doing her excercises.

    If ur stay at home have
    Money have time to
    Make meals
    Definitely worth it

    If not wouldnt waste your
    Time xx
  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    Yeah, I am not doing the meal part of her program...up to this point, I actually am now at my goal weight through healthy eating alone. And I was able to get my healthy eating nailed down without I'm just going to continue doing what has worked for me on that front. I'm only going to try out adding in exercise on top of my current eating habits.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    edited November 2018
    Oh it is hard! If you want a quick and effective routine I would recommend it :smile:
  • shaney13
    shaney13 Posts: 22 Member
    just finished week 5 (altho I had to repeat week 4 due to illness) I was supposed to weigh in this morning but it's my TOM so I didn't - I'm afraid I'd be discouraged if my weight was up. It's very difficult but it's only 28 mins and two days of cardio on your own. I feel stronger but I won't have any measurable results until next week
  • Carmen_TX
    Carmen_TX Posts: 39 Member
    I started the one-week free trial of BBG on her SWEAT App recently. It’s a good way to see what you think without paying a fortune. I also liked that you can choose different tracks in it, based on your goals and whether you have access to gym equipment.

    The workout was really hard for me - I was impressed. The app was a little confusing at first, but I think I’m getting the hang of it now.

    I’d definitely recommend it. I don’t have results yet, per se, (unless you count soreness!) but it was a great workout.
    KT20THERS Posts: 5 Member
    I’m in week 2 and love it. The app is great.