Impossible choices at a BBQ

I was at a BBQ last night. There was lamb, a salad salad and a rice salad. That was it, there was nothing else. Just those three items and of course bread. I know that the caesar salad has a lot of olive oil and cheese on it (it's already dressed when we arrived at the table). The rice salad looks okay, but it too has an oil based dressing and further investigation reveals pine nuts and walnuts (how do you pick those out without looking likely a really socially graceless eater?). Unless I have nothing but the lamb it simply is not possible for me to guess how many calories in the rice salad and even a small portion of the caesar salad is going to take me well over my limit for the meal and the day.


  • Its 1 meal. Take a 1 mile walk when you get home or go for a jog tomorrow - dont sweat it !
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    My advice would be to take a small bit of both salads and some lamb. You may be over, but you won't do the BBQ every night. Take it as a cheat night and enjoy the company. Then back on track the next day.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Maybe next time you're invited to a BBQ could offer to bring something and then bring something REALLY healthy and load up on that and take a little of the other stuff next time.

    Of course I have a hard time not taking A LOT of the other stuff b/c it's there, but it's worth a try!
    : )
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Portion control.
  • Those are decently healthy choices for a bbq. Maybe over your calories but it's just one day. I agree with others, relax, eat small portions, and do a little extra workout the next day or before you attend a BBQ.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Being a veggie, I would have gone with the rice salad (for me pine nuts and walnuts = added protein...yippie!). For obvious reason's, I could not eat the lamb and nor could I eat Cesar salad due to the dressing (It contains anchovies). Being a veggie, I often have difficulty eating at social gatherings. To prevent an awkward situation, I usually tell the host/ hostess ahead of time that I will attend but I would like to bring (name a dish) if it would be ok with them. I find when I explain why I want to bring something, the host/ hostess is more understanding and usually I get a "Oh that is right, I would have no clue what to feed you." And of course I make sure I make enough so I can share with all the guests if they would like some. The reason I do this is so I know there is something vegetarian friendly that I could at least eat besides bread or chips. My suggestion to you, being you are restricting your diet, is perhaps do the same when you are invited to gatherings.

    Your other option is to eat enough of the meal so your stomach is not rumbling without going overboard and chalk it up to being there was nothing you could do about it. Unfortunately, it is just a fact of life that sometimes you will be put in situations where you have no control of the food that is served. You just have to roll with the flow and do the best you can.

    Remember it is only one meal so try not to stress so much over it. :happy:
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I wouldn't even hardly fret about one meal going over for the week. Enjoy the meal in small portions. Don't eat what you think your old self would eat. Enjoy yourself because you will NOT be under every single day of your life. It is good for you to have fun once in awhile so you don't go insane. Plus your body is not destroyed from one single meal or day of eating higher amounts of food. It will bounce back within the next day or two. Seriously! It's good to practice eating things out of your normal schedule because this will help you realize you are in control and can still have things you want!
  • Thanks for all the sound suggestions
  • Portion control.

    I agree. If your choices arent great just eat a small amount of what's available to you.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    firstly, yes, as others said, it's only one meal, so don't go overboard thinking about it, you do the best you can and move on.

    Second, if you know you're going somewhere where you have no control over the nutrition, might be a good idea to eat ahead of time.

    Third, nothing wrong with rice, or oil based dressings, in moderation.
  • It's only one meal - enjoy it for the treat it is and just enjoy catching up with your friends/family ♥
    There's no point losing weight if all we do is fret about every mouthful, instead of enjoying our lives :)
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    **** it, it's summer! Think of the protein available at a BBQ!
    And you can always take a lean cut of meat or a veggie burger for yourself, or wrap fish in foil and pop that on there.
  • It's only one meal. Think of it as a treat. Eat small portions. Work out more than usual this week and next time bring something that you'd rather eat.