Negative calorie adjustment

I did search and found some information and I contacted help. I just don’t believe the info and how is calculating is right.

I use Nokia Sterl and its health app. I wear the tracker 100% of the time. I also attend Orange Theory and use their heart rate monitor both for in studio and out of studio extercises. I make sure the calories for my workouts align in both the fitness trackers. I have calories set to 1260 with minimal activity and 3 workouts per week at 60 minutes. I usually workout more.

It subtracts calories for steps and subtracts more as my steps increase. For example, before dinner I walked about 13k+ steps. About an 1.5 hours later I am nearly 16k and it went from subtracting 450 calories to nearly 600 calories.

My step target is set to 10k but 5 to 6 days a week I do 13.5k or more.

Is this right? It feels like it is trying to keep me at close to 1200 calories even when I burn 600+ calories plus tons of steps.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Sounds like they aren’t talking to each other properly. Definitely worth contacting customer support about.
  • KKaidy
    KKaidy Posts: 6 Member
    I am having the same issue....get well over 10K steps/day; do OTF 3x/week; have my setting to "lightly active"; move quite a bit during the day, and MFP took off 784 calories yesterday?!, leaving me negative! I am set for 1200/day, and ate 1428. I wear an apple watch all day...according to my Health app, I burned 1112 cal "active energy", and 1709 "resting energy". I should have ended the day with a surplus, right?
  • rldeclercq4
    rldeclercq4 Posts: 269 Member
    I have the same problem. It confuses me. So the simplest solution for me is to just track my workouts with my activity tracker, sync those calories burned and then delete the step counter calories. I don’t understand how I could eat say 1800 calories on a 1900 goal and burn another 500 in a workout and then it has me in the negative for the day because the steps taken calorie counter was -700, for example. Makes no sense to me so I just eliminate it altogether from the equation.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    What did you set your activity level to be?

    I'm thinking (and I don't know) that if your activity level is set to highly active (because you work out a lot) and then you record the workouts, that you are double dipping.

    Your activity level should be excluding exercise. So right now I'm running ~25km a week, but the rest of the time I sit on my *puppy*. So I'm set to sedentary, and when I run I get calories added.