I WANT MORE YOUNG FRIENDS (because I'm young, not because I'

My name is Tara, I'm 24, and I have about sixty more pounds to lose. I will comment the **** out of your updates in a positive, helpful way and if you feel like doing that for me sometimes, that'd be awesome, too. Be my fraaaaan. (Please.)


  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    Hey! I'll add you, I'm 22! :)
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I'll be your friend, I need as many as posisble

    Oh wait I already am, facepalm
  • sephetlia
    sephetlia Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks, Imogenboo and no worries, Trixtabella, I've already been stalking the messageboards for potentially-cool friends this morning and you had already made the list. :)
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    I'll be your fren! I'm 25, does that still count as young?!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Hi, I'll be your friend! I'm 20.
  • mleb2005
    mleb2005 Posts: 45
    Just friended you. I'm 24!
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    send a friend request to my niece JenMarie826. she's 22 and wants to lose about 60 also.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'm young..very young! I'm 44 and will be 45 in less than a month. I exercise daily lately riding 10 miles or more a morning. I enjoy spinning, weight lifting and mountain biking.

    I see a lot of people my age giving into that old tale that you are OLD in your 40's and 50's. My dad died way too young at 48, so I am looking to double, if not triple that number..lol.

    I look (and act lol) younger than people my age. It's not a fake thing i am just full of life and full of energy. People ask me how do i get so much energy..well like nike i just do it. No lame excuses no "I'm too old" no pigging out.

    I have 2 sons near your age 23 and 21. I want to look 45 when I'm like oh 75!!:laugh:
  • soozy84
    soozy84 Posts: 118
    I'm 26 :) I'll add you.
  • sephetlia
    sephetlia Posts: 31 Member
    Haha, thanks soooo much for all of the adds, and to all of you who have replied. Any of you are young enough! I didn't mean to be age-ist, I just wanted some people in my newsfeed who I knew were experiencing some of the same sort of life stuff that I am. :)

    And BigCed77024, that's a fantastic goal! I would love to be one of those women who look 45 when they're decades older, as long as I get to keep looking in my twenties for the next few decades. :)
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    I'm 16! Hahaha meh.
  • 21, nearly 22 here :)
    feel free to add me :)
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    I just realised, I'm 21, 22 next month... How odd!
  • BlutAura
    BlutAura Posts: 97
    24!! And added!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    lol..@Tara... you should because you look way younger than 24!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    How about someone 49 7/8 but sometimes acts like their 13? Just kidding, but I'd be glad to be your friend.
  • CorrieJane
    CorrieJane Posts: 249 Member
    Hey! I would love someone to "comment the ****" out of my updates, and I would totally do the same! I'm 22, and my long term goal is to lose 75 pounds total. Friend requesting you now!:happy:
  • sephetlia
    sephetlia Posts: 31 Member
    Haha, all of you are fantastic, thanks so much! :)
  • skye15
    skye15 Posts: 19 Member
    20!! Added :)
  • 21 years young and 50+ lbs to lose!