Air Force Wives/ Military Wives?

Branch: Air Force
Base: Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, NM
We have been here since November 2009

Just seeing how many of us there are on MFP.
We could all support each other! It can be hard being away from your family and if you’re like me, my family was my support system (until MFP, of course). You girls ever feel the pressure to stay fit since it is part of you husbands job to attend PT? I hate being the fat wife!!! :sad:


  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    We are an Army NG family, and we live in northern MI.

    I also agree I hate being the fat wife, and that is why I'm changing it. My husband is a lifeguard for his FT job, so that is why I want to change even more because we just look weird together! :)
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Hi! My hubby's is in the USAF, we're in San Antonio, Texas (Lackland AFB). Been here since December 2007 and should be getting orders to our next base pretty soon.

    Yes, my hubby's job has PT once a week. He's a MTI right now. I used to be the fat wife. During my 3rd pregnancy i was heavier than him and he's 6.3 feet tall, i'm 5.4! lol
    Now i weigh 25lbs less than him and it feel good. But i'm still not up there with him when it comes to working out. I can only do girl-push ups and only run straight for about a mile or so. Trying to get better!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I don't think I'm huge anymore, I am just bigger than all of the other wives...booo

    Glad to see there are some of you out there :)
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    Hi! Technically Im not a wife, but my bf is in the Navy based on Whidbey Island, WA. I live in Oregon. So 400 miles seperates us. :sad: His four years are up in September and moving closer to me!! Because of the distance and me being a full time mom, we only see each other once every 6 weeks or so. SO, my goal is to look drop dead sexy when he is done giving his life to the Navy!!! I only have 15-20 lbs to go...I have lost quite a bit since we got together last summer. (oh our one year is also in September) Looking forward to looking hot in my cute little black dress I have!!! lets put the "fat" wife/gf in the past and look better for ourselves and for our men who serve our country!!!!

  • angievill
    angievill Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! My husband in the Army station at Fort Hood, TX. Wish we were still station in Monterey, CA since it was only a couple hours drive to visit family.
  • redhead91
    redhead91 Posts: 251
    My husband is Air Force at Travis AFB, CA. We've been here since Feb 2010.

    I hate being a "fat wife"! Especially since all the military women are so fit! I can and will change!
  • dcollins12
    dcollins12 Posts: 16 Member
    My husband is in the Army at Fort Lewis, WA
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    My husband is going to Space Training this summer for three months in CA....I'm planning on working out in my free time and I am going to visit him 4th of July weekend! We goin to the BEACH! I'm going to look hella sexy :love:
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Hi! My husband in the Army station at Fort Hood, TX. Wish we were still station in Monterey, CA since it was only a couple hours drive to visit family.

    Can't wait to go to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio...haven't heard a lot of good things, but it's only a 6 hour drive home to Belleville, IL (by St. Louis). Going to try and have kids while we are there so mom can come visit all the time :)
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    Army Wife here! My entire motivation for this journey is to see my husband's face when he gets home from deployment. I want him to be proud to be with me! :-)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Army Wife here!~! Stationed in Germany since 2009. THis is not really the place to diet.... Germans LOVE their bread and beer..... and soo do I.. so do I!~!~!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I've heard so many great things about Germany!
    I hope to move somewhere in CA someday...I just think it would be a healthier lifestyle....and there might be a beach...always a good motivator..
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Army Wife here!~! Stationed in Germany since 2009. THis is not really the place to diet.... Germans LOVE their bread and beer..... and soo do I.. so do I!~!~!

    Omg I know! I am German & every time i go to visit I gain 10lbs b/c I love the food so much!
  • cherrypiesmith
    Hello! I'm an AF Wife. Currently stationed at Travis AFB in Northern California, but soon to be RAF Croughton in England! My husband is leaving on Monday. :cry: I can't wait to join him though! Looking forward to the new adventure and experiencing so many new things. Plus, in a few months I'll be in tip top shape when my husband sees me again. :wink:
  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm an Army Fiancee, I live in the UK and my partner is based just outside the city of Norwich. We are getting married next year in March, we have been together for just over three years, being in a long distance relationship. Once married I am moving down there and going to be a real army wife living on the camp I totally can't wait! I want to be in tip top shape as the other army wives I have seen in pictures living down there look like drag queens with their heavy make-up and umpa lumpa tans, I want to show them up with my fabulous new body and my more natural approach to beauty haha!
  • krismickey
    krismickey Posts: 6
    We are an Army NG family from Utah. I could use the support/motivation of other military wives. My hubs gets 1 hour daily from work (in addition to the time he has for lunch) just for PT. I stay home with our kids and find myself snacking through most the day (and not in a good way). I am determined to get healthy and tone up. Please feel free to add me and we can help each other through this!
  • chroi23
    chroi23 Posts: 27
    Army wife here as well...just recently PCS'd from Germany (2nd time) so i know all about that tasty food. Oh how i miss it. Been married 18 yrs and hubby has been active duty for going on 21 yrs now. Probably another 4yrs or so 'til we retire. I'm an old hat at all the ins and outs of military life and it's feel free to friend me if you're interested : )
  • ansley1
    ansley1 Posts: 23
    AF wife here! Husband is EOD in Homestead Florida. I've lost 70 over the past few years but been stalled for over a year. I have 70 more to go till I get to my goal weight :)
  • clong1985
    My husband (who is actually the user natekorpusik on here) is enlisted in the Army, heading to Basic at Fort Benning, Georgia on October 11. We'll be getting our first PCS some time in February when he finishes, no idea where that will be though!
    It's definitely tough being the less fit one in the relationship because that's a complete 180 from how it was when we met 5 years ago! He has lost around 60 pounds since enlisting and looks great, and I'm still trying to get my a** in gear!
    Would love to have some military wife/gf friends on here though!
  • Mrswheels01
    Mrswheels01 Posts: 201 Member
    Proud Air Force Wife here!! Argh I actually lost about 25 pounds while my husband was deployed and gained almost all of it back within three months! I need to get into the habits I was in while he was gone and man it is hard. lol