Diet not going well!

Me and my girlfriend are trying to lose some weight, we're not very fat but more podgy and don't have any tone, we are both looming to lose about 2 stone each, me being 12st and her being 10st atm, I've been using my fitness pal for a while now but keep stopping as I'm really struggling to keep the calories under 1700 a day, my breakfast is always the same at 200cal and my lunch is always the same at about 900cal so it's only leaving me with about 600 for my main tea, I have sandwiches with a yoghurt, crisps and a banana and Apple, always drink water all day, if I eat any less for lunch then I always feel very hungry so I just don't know what else I can substitute for lunch as I work out of a van at different locations, I have no access to a microwave or kettle. Also for tea, we just don't ever know what to have as everything is always so high in calories, any help would be great, sorry for the long thread.


  • klyeson123
    klyeson123 Posts: 6 Member
    MFP has given me 1700 a day as I've put that I want to lose 2 pounds a week, I don't think that is actually very hard tbh, do you think that maybe having a salad for lunch, maybe a chicken or salmon salad, would be a much better option, but also for tea, everything we eat always seems to rack up calories, usually like a roast or a carbonara, don't ever know what to make and looking online for tips just brings up things like avocados and things that me and my girlfriend would never eat as we don't enjoy it
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Well, if you want a larger evening meal, then yes, that lunch needs to be trimmed. It doesn't need to be a salad, but perhaps smaller portions of what you're eating now?

    I know you say you get hungry if you make it any smaller, but have you looked at the macro split. I know for me, that 900 calories would be very filling, and I *rarely* eat a meal that big, unless it's a special treat.
  • Tanya_Clair
    Tanya_Clair Posts: 31 Member
    For lower calorie dinners, it is quite quick and easy to make a spaghetti bolognese or beef chilli. They can also be made in bulk and frozen in portions which can make dinners easier during busy weeks.
  • klyeson123
    klyeson123 Posts: 6 Member
    We did go to the gym about 5 times a week, start off with 20 minutes on the treadmill and then do some weights, I'm pretty knowledgeable about training but the diet is a killer, I used to live with my nan and my portions were tiny but I didn't know any different, I went into the army and started eating bigger meals as I was working harder but then when I came out, I couldn't go back to eating smaller portions and moved out with my girlfriend so I just have a lot bigger portions, as our diet is quite bad, even after going to the gym for about 6-8 months, we didn't actually much change if any at all, I have put that I am a male and I put that I would like to lose 2 pounds a week, which doesn't sound like much at all. I'm not very big at all, my waist is 32, my arms are 28 I think, my chest is about 38-40, my legs are the smallest part on my body as my thighs are quite thick and muscly but my calfs are just tiny, looks like I've never heard of leg day, 900 calories is a normal meal size for most people I know, when I see something at about 600-700, it just seems so low in calories and nothing on the plate
  • klyeson123
    klyeson123 Posts: 6 Member
    How much would you all suggest then as I though 2lbs a week was pretty slow, I am 12st now and would like to lose about 2st in the next six months to a year
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    edited December 2018
    klyeson123 wrote: »
    We did go to the gym about 5 times a week, start off with 20 minutes on the treadmill and then do some weights, I'm pretty knowledgeable about training but the diet is a killer, I used to live with my nan and my portions were tiny but I didn't know any different, I went into the army and started eating bigger meals as I was working harder but then when I came out, I couldn't go back to eating smaller portions and moved out with my girlfriend so I just have a lot bigger portions, as our diet is quite bad, even after going to the gym for about 6-8 months, we didn't actually much change if any at all, I have put that I am a male and I put that I would like to lose 2 pounds a week, which doesn't sound like much at all. I'm not very big at all, my waist is 32, my arms are 28 I think, my chest is about 38-40, my legs are the smallest part on my body as my thighs are quite thick and muscly but my calfs are just tiny, looks like I've never heard of leg day, 900 calories is a normal meal size for most people I know, when I see something at about 600-700, it just seems so low in calories and nothing on the plate

    A few things are jumping out at me.
    1. Do you mind sharing how tall you are and how much you weigh? A 32 waist isn't especially large.
    2. Given my last sentence, I suspect that 2lbs a week is too aggressive . I mean it's aggressive period and it's the at the upper limit of people should strive to lose who aren't having their weight loss closely monitored by their doctor(s).
    3. 900 calories seems like a lot for lunch. For reference, yesterday my lunch was 657 calories than that was a larger than usual lunch for me. I had roasted chicken, rice, and two latkes (because of the holiday). That said, I also almost always have a breakfast that is at least 250 calories.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    klyeson123 wrote: »
    We did go to the gym about 5 times a week, start off with 20 minutes on the treadmill and then do some weights, I'm pretty knowledgeable about training but the diet is a killer, I used to live with my nan and my portions were tiny but I didn't know any different, I went into the army and started eating bigger meals as I was working harder but then when I came out, I couldn't go back to eating smaller portions and moved out with my girlfriend so I just have a lot bigger portions, as our diet is quite bad, even after going to the gym for about 6-8 months, we didn't actually much change if any at all, I have put that I am a male and I put that I would like to lose 2 pounds a week, which doesn't sound like much at all. I'm not very big at all, my waist is 32, my arms are 28 I think, my chest is about 38-40, my legs are the smallest part on my body as my thighs are quite thick and muscly but my calfs are just tiny, looks like I've never heard of leg day, 900 calories is a normal meal size for most people I know, when I see something at about 600-700, it just seems so low in calories and nothing on the plate

    600-700 calories doesn't have to be a small amount of food provided that you are balancing foods with a lower calorie density. Maybe many people *do* eat 900 calories regularly for lunch, but if they're doing that they're either having fewer calories at other meals, balancing it out with a higher activity level, or simply eating more than they need (with the weight issues that are a result).
  • klyeson123
    klyeson123 Posts: 6 Member
    I am only 5'7, I'm not very large on any part of my body but my belly, even when in the forces, I was running 5 miles a day and doing my training on top and my whole body was pretty shredded, even my legs which have always been just skin, but I still had a bit of podge on my belly, I don't know if it's my diet, my exercises or what but I was doing strength and conditioning a lot which was a lot of planks and sit up, sprinting and circuit training so I thought that if ever, then would be the time I lost my belly, my body fat is at about 22-23 atm but I did have it down to 16 and still had a slight belly, my breakfast is always 2 weetabix with milk and a bit of sugar which is 196 calories, I can easily still to 2200 calories a day as that's what it has came up for 1lb loss a week but my meals just always seem to be pretty high calories as I eat fairly big portions
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    900 calories is a lot for lunch. That’s more than half your calories.

    I would suggest slowing your weight loss goal to 1 lb a week so you can have more calories and shifting around how you divide out your calories between meals. Everyone is different but I do best with a big breakfast and dinner and a small lunch just to tide me over between the 2 bigger meals. If what you are doing now isn’t working for you then it doesn’t matter if you think 900 calories is a normal sized meal for most people you know - it’s clearly not working for you so you need to do something different.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    A pound a week is good. People get an exaggerated idea about weight loss from watching the TV, but in reality, losing a pound a week is a good healthy rate for most people. If you lose too quickly, you're more likely to gain it back quickly. Eating back half your exercise calories is also a good idea. Are you satisfied with that light a breakfast or does it make you starving at lunchtime? You might try adding some protein with breakfast, at least occasionally. With an additional 1000 calories a day, you should be able to eat a filling dinner and even have room for some healthy snacks. Maybe take your lunch apple and eat it mid-afternoon or late evening?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I find that cutting back on breads, pasta, rice, and focusing more on good protein and vegetables helps fill my plate and belly with fewer calories. Look for lean meats, like chicken breast, turkey, pork chop/loin, lean beef...skip the breading or fried food. Try a bunch of vegetables to see what you like. My hubby and I usually agree on broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, or frozen mixed. I also like squash, tomatoes, and okra, but he doesn't.