Correct calculation of calories

Please help I’m so confused.
So my plan is to Cut , workout 6-7 days a week which is in the TDEE calculator is high/active, while I’m trying to figure how many calories I should eat the calculator returned ( to maintain= 2260 cal and to Cut it would be =1660 Cal) my question is do I eat 1660 as is and not add the calories I burn in exercise ? Or I should do like this ( food intake 1660 + (-300) cal lost in exercise = I should eat 1990) help😫


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Eat the 1990.

    Here, this is how it works:

    From Help at the top of every page comes this: How does MyFitnessPal calculate my initial goals?

  • Noufsul
    Noufsul Posts: 6 Member
    Eat 1990, workout 6 days a week and lose weight... that’s so cool :) I currently eat around 1200 with working out 1-2 days a week. Thank you so much!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Seconding @kami3006, if you are working off an off site calculator that includes your exercise 1660 would give you your deficit including exercise.
    You would expect to lose just over a pound a week over time.

    If you are using MFP, that is your NEAT calculation. Add your exercise to that and expect just over a pound a week loss over time.

    Cheers, h.