I get SO nauseous when I work out!!

I'm extremely out of shape, and I DREAD exercise because I feel sick for like 2 hours afterwards. Is there a way to avoid this?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Are you eating anything before exercise/ How much and how soon before?
  • Are you eating anything before exercise/ How much and how soon before?

    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't... it really varies, but it always happens \:
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Are you eating anything before exercise/ How much and how soon before?
    same question. i have to eat before i work out or i get sick, but at the same time i cant eat a whole lot before working out. i work out in the mornings so i usually just have a bowl of cereal, or something else small. make sure your hydrating yourself well too.
  • Exactly what I was going to say MelanieCheeks...... I learned from a trainer many years ago.... YOU MUST EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT. I used to meet him at 6:30 am, so he told me to have a slice of whole wheat bread and peanut butter and a small cup of coffee (4oz). You have to give your muscles fuel to work. Think of it like your car.... It won't drive if there's no gas..... GOD BLESS!!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Make sure you are staying hydrated and working out in a cool spot. Sometimes getting overheated and being dehydrated will cause that. You should also pay attention to whether you are working out with or without food in your stomach. Maybe you could try a different exercise or different time of day. Don't give up, you can do it .
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Are you eating anything before exercise/ How much and how soon before?

    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't... it really varies, but it always happens \:
    try doing something less vigorous when first starting out and then work your way up, that may help too
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing? Maybe you are pushing yourself too hard? That happens to me when I push myself over my limits. Gotta find that line, and NOT cross it.
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    I used to feel sick and dizzy when I first started exercising. It was because I was having lunch at 12/1 and then nothing else till after exercise class at 8.30. It was too long to go without food. Now I make sure I have something before I go even if its just a dry slice of bread. Your body needs fuel if its going to move otherwise its like trying to run a car without petrol.
    Of course it could also be that you're trying to do too much too soon.
  • Thanks, everyone! I think it might be a combination of everything you guys mentioned!
  • juggalotus
    juggalotus Posts: 227
    Maybe you're doing too much. I have gotten very sick feeling when i pushed myself too hard. Try to not over do it. Eat a small amount before you work out. Stay hydrated through out your workout too! They say eat some carbs before you work out and protein afterward! Good luck.
  • irocmom
    irocmom Posts: 3
    make sure you are getting enough water before you do any exercise. You have to go slow when you first start out, dont push your self to much. What kinds of exercise are you doing ? I just started back to walking, but I have to take it at a slow pace unitl I feel I can step it up. i have been on program for 2 weeks and I am still at a slow walk. i hope by next week, I can pick up my pace, with out to much huffing and puffing. Good Luck to you.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    If I do an exercise where I'm up and down a lot (like the 30 Day Shred), I may feel sick to my stomach also, but I'm also prone to motion sickness. It helps me to eat something healthy, but easily digestible maybe 30 - 60 minutes prior (like a banana), and to find a focal point and focus on that as much as possible.

    Then afterwards, I will slowly slip a protein fruit smoothie or low-fat chocolate milk. It seems to help.

    Don't give up =)
  • If I do an exercise where I'm up and down a lot (like the 30 Day Shred), I may feel sick to my stomach also, but I'm also prone to motion sickness. It helps me to eat something healthy, but easily digestible maybe 30 - 60 minutes prior (like a banana), and to find a focal point and focus on that as much as possible.

    Then afterwards, I will slowly slip a protein fruit smoothie or low-fat chocolate milk. It seems to help.

    Don't give up =)

    I never thought about the motion sickness thing! I also have an easily upset stomach, especially while in motion, haha. Thanks (: