Tough Love Motivation

I see posts all over MFP that state 'I have no motivation' or 'I could use some motivation.' Heck I've even posted that a time or two prior to today. I've skipped many a night of exercising because of pain and it bothers me. It bothers me that I did not cart my butt off to the gym and work through it. It bothers me until I've guilted myself into for those of use who are having a motivational issue or two I offer the following after the day I've had...

Ok, first don't focus on the past. You cannot control the past is history. BUT you can control this moment on forward. I offer some tough love motivation for you if I may...

I was just told by one of my orthopaedic docs that I am unable to do elliptical/bike/stairs or anything that involves repetative knee bending...I am now restricted for the rest of my life. I'm on my 2nd knee replacement and now I'm even more restricted??? I'm speechless, sad, angry, and devastated. I don't think it has entirely sunk in yet.

I so want to do these things more than ever as my whole life has been restricted. I WANT MY LITTLE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY BACK!!! I WANT IT BACK!!! A surgical repair from December to fix one problem created an entirely different one. This one cannot be fixed.

I would give anything to have the ability to run, walk (without pain), elliptical, biking, etc...most of you have that ability. Be thankful you can do these things...take it and run with it. Literally! You know everytime I head to Mayo I always see someone worse off than me and I am thankful I have two legs and I can walk...When I was in a wheelchair for two years I longed to walk. Now that I can walk, I long to do all those fun activities such as running, biking, elliptical and impact activities such as raquetball...heck even jumping rope is out of the question.

PLEASE be thankful that you are able to run, bike, do the elliptical and all that fun stuff that some of us cannot do but would give anything to do. When you are lacking that motivation please think of this and get out and run, bike and do what you do best...please run out and give it all you've it for those of us who cannot.

With that said...this new diagnosis isn't going to stop me. I'm determined to figure something out. Something other than strength training. Even my son is brainstorming and helping figure out exercises besides my quad building PT exercises.

I am hoping that you my MFP friends can help me out with I'm hoping my blurb helps someone...even if only one person.

Ok, I'm looking for any cardio exercise suggestions anyone can offer that do not involve impact or repetative knee bending. I would be so grateful for any suggestions you may have.

Heck after 29 years of dealing with this I'm not about to give up now...just need to rethink my approach that's all!

Best of luck to you in all your endeavors!

MFP friends I am desparately looking for Cardio ideas and options to get back on track with my exercise regime. I was just recently restricted from any activity that involves repetative knee bending (elliptical and recumbant inlcuded)...even after having 2 knee replacements. Long story short it is a mechanical thing and unfortunately at this time 'tune-up' isn't an option.

So by any chance do you have some fun, off the wall, cardio activity that you would like to share??? I would soooo appreciate it! (I realize knees are probably involved with most activities but I'm not giving up there has to be something enjoyable and FUN to do while getting a good cardio workout in).

Right now swimming is my best option but not my first choice thus the reason I am asking for other alternatives. Also, I think I was spoiled being able to crank out 50-75 pages of my current read while doing the elliptical/recumbant! I understand that will probably end : (

I do have unusual circumstances to work around but I'm not going to accept failure with these additional restrictions! I refuse to! (My MFP vent when I received the news....

Speed bagging
canoeing (a bit difficult with my location)
kayaking (Love it!!! And I have a kayak back in my homestate, but now a bit difficult where I live now)
hula hooping (I have a core hoop already...yay!)
Circuit Training

....and lastly my son suggested 'Crutching on the Treadmill' Lol! I mentioned crutching is a great workout so he took it one step further. Silly boy!


  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Damn right! I just replied to one of those threads...and was very blunt (I was actually thinking of your previous thread post). I am thankful everyday that I can do just about whatever I want to do fitness-wise and I feel so bad for you that you do not have open options like most of us! I am also inspired by the fact that you are reaching out to find any and all ways to still meet your fitness goals and for that I commend you!

    I feel lucky to have you on my friend's list, my dear...
  • Thank you for your testimony. It will help others.... It has certainly helped me.... I thought of swimming, but I see you already have that on your list!! I pray the BEST over your health and your life. I know you will find something that will work for you. You have the heart of a FIGHTER!!!

    Blessings and [cyber] HUGZ!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I'm very sorry for your pain & limitations. I DO feel guilty not taking advantage of the fact that I can move and I try to apply it every day. In fact, I'm going swimming as soon as I finish my breakfast.
    I'm (hoping/planning) on a new bicycle for Christmas (I LOVE bicycling) and next spring, God Willing, I think I'm gonna try the couch to 5k tho I haven't run since childhood and never really wanted to before.
    The ppl on here who are runners and never were before are inspiring, now I really SEE runners where I guess I kind of overlooked them before. It looks so ... liberating. I'm looking forward to the day (if ever) when I can literally 'run errands' and even if I can't ever do it on foot, I definitely know I can ride a bike
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    Your post gave me a lump in my throat. We all take being able to walk and move about until we can't do it anymore. I had sciatica for 4 years and I longed to be able to walk. Now I can walk without pain, I thank my lucky stars with every step.
    I really hope you find something you can do. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this.
  • InfiniteEcho
    InfiniteEcho Posts: 40 Member
    Awww, Bob...You ARE my inspiration!!! Thanks for being my friend as well....and yes, I am jealous after seeing all your 'exercise activity' posts! Like I inspire me! Thanks!
  • I am bumping you so I have something to come back to and to remind me that I have it better than most and I should not complain!!