65 pound to go...

Hello everyone!
So I started this journey about 2 months ago and I’ve had great progress! I’ve lost About 30 pounds. Wow days are harder to stay motivated... what do you guys do to not loose your vision?


  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Motivation or willpower comes and goes. I’m trying to establish habits. Habits will carry me when I feel unmotivated.

    I’m trying to get in the habit of working out, logging my food and staying within 50-100 calories of my goal.

    Not sure if this helps but this is my strategy:).
  • kem316
    kem316 Posts: 51 Member
    I have written down all my motivations and advantages for weight loss and living a healthier lifestyle and look at that list at least once a day. I also write down all the positives I notice along the way since starting my journey and look at those when I need to. It's really helpful for staying the course.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    edited December 2018
    What I did was look at my "before" picture every single day. If you don't feel motivated? looking at yourself in your underwear will pretty much keep you on track. I promise.
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    I've lost 60 lbs and I've got about 65-70 to go. I log everything! I cleaned out my fridge and pantry, and threw away or donated everything that was clearly off limits. I stocked up on easy go-to foods that are good for me and my diet. I announced on facebook that I weighed 264 lbs, and I was working on losing it, then I posted regular updates. I look at restaurant websites to check calories in advance, and know what to order before I go. I drink only water. Giving up coffee and soft drinks was hard at first, but after a couple weeks, I even gave up my Crystal Light replacement.

    It's all about building new habits.
  • memea83
    memea83 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm just reminding myself why am I doing this and how will I feel 3 month down the line if I give up or don't give it my all...