25 to lose- let's be friends :)

Hi everyone!
I'm getting a headstart on New year's resolutions, and one thing I would LOVE to do is lose the weight I gained in my last two pregnancies and from quitting smoking (all in just a couple years time).

I was doing good for a bit, but then had some mystery helath issue that kept me off me feet a lot. I'm back at it though, and I'm hoping this time is the real deal.

I've found the exercise I love...and am now a national karate champion! Training in karate is a much more sustainable thing for me, as I just hated the boring gym and tedious workout videos, but find karate to be so much fun.

Feel free to add me!


  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    You can do this!!! :)
  • Harleyandella
    Harleyandella Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations! National champion is amazing and gives you a head start on the focus to meet your goals. I am starting today and focused on hitting a 25 pound goal. You got this!