Fitbit function does not work the same way anymore

I have been delinquent for a while but want to get started again. To my disappointment the Fitbit steps were not sycning with My Fitness Pal (MFP) anymore. I disconnected the app and then reloaded it, and then discovered why.

MFP now requires access to ALL the Fitbit data points, including friends. So while it seems a though we can select what we wish to share, we actually cannot - we either share everything, or MFP will not let the app connect and sync.

That is so misleading, and so inappropriate - what if some of my friends do not want their names/profiles shared. One would think that given what has occurred with Facebook in the last year that MFP would be a little more in tune with today's privacy concerns.

So - I have disconnected My Fitness Pal from my Fitbit (I continue to use the Fitbit) and am looking for another website to use instead of MFP.

Unfortunate as I had quite liked this and found it helpful.



  • HermanLily
    HermanLily Posts: 217 Member
    I sync my steps with a device that isn't even listed, through Google Fit. Tonight, my steps are not syncing though. I'll wait a while and try again.
  • jostewart5
    jostewart5 Posts: 5 Member
    I am having the same problem