Increased heart rate after eating?

Does anyone else here have anxiety after they eat their foods? When i eat i feel like my heart is beating faster. I am 115 pounds, healthy,. But i do have a lot of anxiety. Does anyone know if foods can give you a faster heart beat? Thanks!


  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    Usually a large meal will increase my heart rate to the point where I notice it (ex. 3/4 of a large pizza). It falls back down after an hour or so. If that's what's giving you anxiety I would try not to worry. Chalk it up to our bodily processes at work. Heart rate can fluctuate throughout the day depending on a variety of factors. If you're feeling negative symptoms associated with increased heart rate, and/or anxiety is impacting your everyday life, then this is something you definitely should see a doctor for.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    It's normal to have a slightly higher heart rate after eating. How much higher? Are you taking your pulse? Is your heartbeat steady?
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Is your heart rate increasing because of your anxiety or is it increasing because you ate? Are you anxious because you're eating? These are three different things all of which could involve an elevation in heart rate (I'm going to assume eating can raise your heart rate - google says yes but it could be lying).

    If you're not anxious while you're eating (about food/eating/or something totally unrelated) then there's nothing to worry about. If you are anxious for whatever reason then that's something that you might want to work on if you aren't already (much easier said than done of course).
  • Servalbanshee
    Servalbanshee Posts: 14 Member
    I’ve had the same issue. It’s terrible, any little movement and your heart pounds harder, you get out of breath easily as well. The cause for me was my thyroid, I’ve been on synthroid for a while now and I’ve been good ever since.