is there such thing as too much exercise

i did about 200 jumping jacks in ten min today i got bored and did about 20 min dance exercise video. my question is: if im bored and i have a ton of energy(for some unknown reason) and i have nothing i have to do would it be bad to do some other form of exercise and if i got bored again later do something else? i do have a hard time eating back callories but i dont want to just sit here lol


  • ShaoonaRae
    ShaoonaRae Posts: 60 Member
    It's only bad if you push yourself way too much. But if you don't hurt, and have extra energy, go for it. :)
  • kellykat2
    kellykat2 Posts: 87 Member
    No, I don't think so. But I am not a doctor. Check with your doctor if you are concerned.

    Think about little kids....they run...then they ride their bike, then they swim, then they run some more and ride their bike some more and swim, and play frisbee, then ride their bike some more. They never ever stop. They also never worry about playing too much. Their playing outside is constant exercise. Our bodies are made for motion, not sitting around watching tv all day.

    You will eat more if you exercise more. You will get hungry more. So don't worry about not making it to the exercise calories. One day you might eat more and one day less, just like those skinny little kids.

    But check with your doctor if you are worried about it.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    Yes - there is such a thing as too much exercise, but it is a very complex problem, and not easy to advise you on with so little information.

    I think the best thing that you do is to ask yourself: What is my goal and to analyze whether or not the amount of exercise you are doing is helping or hampering you.
  • mhig011975
    mhig011975 Posts: 181
    Yes - there is such a thing as too much exercise, but it is a very complex problem, and not easy to advise you on with so little information.

    I think the best thing that you do is to ask yourself: What is my goal and to analyze whether or not the amount of exercise you are doing is helping or hampering you.

    could never be more wrong
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    could never be more wrong

    ...and would you care to elaborate?
  • dimond1610
    Yes - there is such a thing as too much exercise, but it is a very complex problem, and not easy to advise you on with so little information.

    I think the best thing that you do is to ask yourself: What is my goal and to analyze whether or not the amount of exercise you are doing is helping or hampering you.

    could never be more wrong
    Actually I think he's right. If you push yourself to the point that your body will no longer allow you to lose weight, then yes wouldnt you think that is too much exercise?
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    From what you wrote seems like you did a total of 30 min. of activities-I don't think that is too much.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Yes - there is such a thing as too much exercise, but it is a very complex problem, and not easy to advise you on with so little information.

    I think the best thing that you do is to ask yourself: What is my goal and to analyze whether or not the amount of exercise you are doing is helping or hampering you.

    could never be more wrong

    From all your posts, I'm not sure if you're just a troll, or someone who closes their eyes when they go on internet forums (in that case, bravo for being able to hit the "post reply" button).

    To the OP: There is such a thing as overtraining, which can hinder progress (in weight loss as well as whatever type of exercise you're doing). It's okay to push yourself if you've been exercising for a little while, but overdoing it can lead to losing consistency in your workouts.
  • Amysgetnfit
    The bottom line is listen to your body it will tell you when youve done too much. you may get over tired or really sore. now Im a true believer that you need to make yourself "a little uncomfortable" to make true progress in fitness & weight loss. If what you are doing is too easy you are bored & still bouncing off the wall you probably havent done enough. but enough for you & someone else are 2 different things. walking a mile might be a lot of exercise for one person, for me thats a warm up, because my fitness level is higher, but running a 6 minute mile would kill me where as an olympic athlete would have no problem.... & so on. If you are bored switch up your routine,like do zumba one day, jog, one day, do weight training another, try kick boxing..... or whatever interests you. pick up a sport, like tennis... the sky is the limit.
    good luck on your journey, & much continued success. :happy:
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    Yes! I think there is a thing as too much exercise. But I think you'd be having to exercise for more than a few hours of hard exercise a day or more of lighter exercise to get to that point.

    A couple of hours of hard exercise every day isn't going to hurt anyone if they look after themselves properly with food and rest and stretching and looking after joints etc.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Yes - there is such a thing as too much exercise, but it is a very complex problem, and not easy to advise you on with so little information.

    I think the best thing that you do is to ask yourself: What is my goal and to analyze whether or not the amount of exercise you are doing is helping or hampering you.

    could never be more wrong

    From all your posts, I'm not sure if you're just a troll, or someone who closes their eyes when they go on internet forums (in that case, bravo for being able to hit the "post reply" button).

    To the OP: There is such a thing as overtraining, which can hinder progress (in weight loss as well as whatever type of exercise you're doing). It's okay to push yourself if you've been exercising for a little while, but overdoing it can lead to losing consistency in your workouts.
    :O did u call me a troll
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    woops double post
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    thank you people :) i think u answered my question. keep exercising as long as its na hurting me
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Yes - there is such a thing as too much exercise, but it is a very complex problem, and not easy to advise you on with so little information.

    I think the best thing that you do is to ask yourself: What is my goal and to analyze whether or not the amount of exercise you are doing is helping or hampering you.

    could never be more wrong

    From all your posts, I'm not sure if you're just a troll, or someone who closes their eyes when they go on internet forums (in that case, bravo for being able to hit the "post reply" button).

    To the OP: There is such a thing as overtraining, which can hinder progress (in weight loss as well as whatever type of exercise you're doing). It's okay to push yourself if you've been exercising for a little while, but overdoing it can lead to losing consistency in your workouts.
    :O did u call me a troll

    No that was to the other person. lol. The "To OP" comment paragraph was directed to you. :)
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Yes - there is such a thing as too much exercise, but it is a very complex problem, and not easy to advise you on with so little information.

    I think the best thing that you do is to ask yourself: What is my goal and to analyze whether or not the amount of exercise you are doing is helping or hampering you.

    could never be more wrong

    From all your posts, I'm not sure if you're just a troll, or someone who closes their eyes when they go on internet forums (in that case, bravo for being able to hit the "post reply" button).

    To the OP: There is such a thing as overtraining, which can hinder progress (in weight loss as well as whatever type of exercise you're doing). It's okay to push yourself if you've been exercising for a little while, but overdoing it can lead to losing consistency in your workouts.
    :O did u call me a troll

    No that was to the other person. lol. The "To OP" comment paragraph was directed to you. :)
    oh ok lol i was gonna say what did i do lol and idk wa op means.
  • jchester71
    jchester71 Posts: 124 Member
    There is such a thing as being over trained, but it is really unlikely that anything you are going to do at home could possibly get you there. If you start to get joint pain and tendonitis, you are flirting with being over trained. As far as eating back you calories, I wouldn't worry too much about it, as long as you are eating enough you should be good.