Sensitivity and eating disorders. PLEASE READ.

I am so beyond sick of reading ignorant comments on these boards about 'super skinny girls' or 'anorexics'. I am sick of people sympathizing with the obese, and looking down upon girls with ED's.

When I was 14 I was convinced I was fat. I was 5'6 and 109 lbs but for some reason everytime I looked in the mirror, all I could think of was how absolutely disgusting I looked. And as if that wasn't bad enough, I had NO ONE to talk to about it because as soon as I even mentioned the fact that I thought I was fat people would jump down my throat.

It was all "Oh Jacolyn, shut up you're not fat"
"Oh Jacolyn stop being so stupid"
and the worst one of all
"Stop being such an attention *kitten*."

So while my tiny 14 year old self was struggling with an eating disorder, and killing myself in the process, everyone else was busy talking about how stupid I was. How vain I had become, and how I'm just looking for attention.

Luckily I am a strong girl and I had to recover all on my own, with absolutely no help from those who were supposedly my 'friends'.

But now when I'm trying to lose weight the healthy way, I come on to these boards expecting to be greeted with open arms and love and instead I run into the same comments.

As SOON as someone finds out I'm not overweight, or that I used to have an ED I get HORRIBLE and HURTFUL comments, and I have to make a new account.

So for the record, being anorexic is JUST as painful as being overweight. GET. OFF. YOUR. HIGH. HORSE.


  • cmonskinnylovee
    Oh, and another thing. A woman isn't defined by the shape of her body. A woman is a woman no matter if she's 110 lbs or 210. So enough of the 'real women have curves' BS.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    that's bull that you were treated like this =/ I'm sorry and I wish I could take some of the hurt are VERY strong to overcome an eating disorder on your own.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    Wow....Too bad that you have experienced that kind of treatment here...Hope things get better for you.... :flowerforyou:
  • Cobain94
    Cobain94 Posts: 21
    Thank you for having the courage to say what I couldn't :(
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    There are plenty of people who will treat you well on this site. I am sorry to hear that the ones you've met so far haven't portrayed that :(

    Continue using this site, keep trying to stay healthy, and you will totally win this :)
  • SadieLuvzWolvez
    sorry this happens to u. i happen to have comments such as u just want attention too. But i am overweight majorly. i think its just as bad wen some1 has an E.D. but being over weight is alot easier to come by i think but ive never been thin or had an E.D. so i guess all i can say is sorry u were treated like that bc with an E.D u need just as much support.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    im sorry you have been treated this way.
    ED are difficult, and should you should of been given help and attention.
    Not people complaining.
    i cant believe how rude and inconsiderate some people can be!!
    If you ever need a chat or a friend feel free to add me. =)
  • meliturtlee
    I'm sorry for your experience. I have never had that eating disorder, I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. Yes, I think it is silly you think you are fat if your not medically but that's my opinion. I suggest starting a group with people who identify with you versus trying to have people from a different walk to life understand you. I personally would not bully you, I would instead suggest seeing a therapist or so, so you can deal with any underlying issues you may have, or a trauma that caused you to look @ yourself diff. Idk I'm no doctor. Hang in there and keep strong. You can do it :)
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    YES! thanks for posting this <3 people have no idea what they do to our heads!
    mwah! proud of you!
  • soozy84
    soozy84 Posts: 118
    Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience here in the past. I really hope it's different this time. Well done for staying strong & good luck with your quest to get healthy :)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    How awful for you. I'm so sorry that people responded to you like that. I'm guessing it could be people who don't understand EDs other than their own, if they have them, and perhaps just don't know what to say: they might think they are helping. I confess that when I've opened up threads from people with EDs, I haven't said anything because I don't feel confident about what to say. I would really like to know more about how best to support people.
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    I think a lot of people don't really and truly believe that eating disorders are mental illnesses. Telling someone that they're being vain when they are disordered and think that they are fat is so very ignorant. I think it can be partly because of jealousy and that kind of person has no idea that there's nothing to be jealous of.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Oh, and another thing. A woman isn't defined by the shape of her body. A woman is a woman no matter if she's 110 lbs or 210. So enough of the 'real women have curves' BS.

    First, I must say that I am very sorry you were treated badly, people are *kitten*. And I am sorry that happened.

    But I take offense to this statement. Those of us who have no desire to be as thin as a sickly-looking abercrombie model, have every right to embrace our curves and love them. I do have curves, and my curves make me happy. No one said you have to be curvy or anything else you don't want to be, but if you want respect, don't you think everyone else does too? JMO.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    Hi. I am sorry people were mean to you. I have been laughed at myself for different reasons throughout my life... "Hey 4 eyes" or "you are so lame you can't hit the ball out of the infield." Yeah, I was the 4 eyed un-athletic nerd. Like you I had to over come on my own. Now I am not saying that my appearance and lack of athleticism is equivalent to your struggles, just that I experienced enough of people to know a little of how you feel.

    I really don't like mean people, but I have come to learn that it is usually a mask they wear to cover their own insecurities and draw attention away from themselves. So I ignore them... as best I can.

    As for MFP, I have found people here to be very warm and helpful and I hope you do too. I lost 35lbs a few years ago and gained 20+ back before finding MFP. My take is now NOT to "diet" or "loose weight" but rather to learn to live a healthier lifestyle by learning to eat PROPERLY and exercise regularly and effectively.

    I recently watched an interview with the famous Olympic gymnast, Mary Lou Rettin who said that she did not permit scales in her home. I kinda like that and am working towards having that attitude myself.

    How we FEEL is more important than the way we look... being healthy helps us to FEEL and look better.

    Best wishes to you!!
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    You can friend me hon - I am a recovered anorexic - I totally understand, although I haven't heard those comments on here to me as I'm so big still, I know I'll start getting them from about 12stone downwards because I'll lose it off my face first just like last time but I WILL get to 10 stone. I'm 5ft 7 - I know it's not too small, they need to trust me. I will be a healthy BMI. happy to share thoughts with you and am there if you want to talk. x
  • carolynmittens
    i totally understand, i got a lot of similar inconsiderate comments too from people on this site, because i had alluded to my ED in my "about me" section. you're right it is really annoying to hear the dismissive "oh stop it you're not fat" as if that'll make you see yourself any differently. i guess since the majority of people here haven't struggled with anorexia you might not get a ton of support, but as you can see there are still people here who understand :flowerforyou: good luck getting healthy and don't let the haters get to you!
  • carolynmittens
    Oh, and another thing. A woman isn't defined by the shape of her body. A woman is a woman no matter if she's 110 lbs or 210. So enough of the 'real women have curves' BS.

    First, I must say that I am very sorry you were treated badly, people are *kitten*. And I am sorry that happened.

    But I take offense to this statement. Those of us who have no desire to be as thin as a sickly-looking abercrombie model, have every right to embrace our curves and love them. I do have curves, and my curves make me happy. No one said you have to be curvy or anything else you don't want to be, but if you want respect, don't you think everyone else does too? JMO.
    i don't think she was saying there's anything wrong with curves, she was just saying that you don't need them to be a "real" woman
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Well said. However, I think most of the problems comes with people who aren't ready to admit their problem. It puts everyone else on the forum between a rock and a hard place because you don't want to support starving yourself or a binge/purge cycle (or just binging) however what are you supposed to do when they post a thread about it? Just let the pro-ana people reply?
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Also, skinny females aren't the only ones with eating disorders. That's something I'm getting sick of reading personally.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I am so beyond sick of reading ignorant comments on these boards about 'super skinny girls' or 'anorexics'. I am sick of people sympathizing with the obese, and looking down upon girls with ED's.

    When I was 14 I was convinced I was fat. I was 5'6 and 109 lbs but for some reason everytime I looked in the mirror, all I could think of was how absolutely disgusting I looked. And as if that wasn't bad enough, I had NO ONE to talk to about it because as soon as I even mentioned the fact that I thought I was fat people would jump down my throat.

    It was all "Oh Jacolyn, shut up you're not fat"
    "Oh Jacolyn stop being so stupid"
    and the worst one of all
    "Stop being such an attention *kitten*."

    So while my tiny 14 year old self was struggling with an eating disorder, and killing myself in the process, everyone else was busy talking about how stupid I was. How vain I had become, and how I'm just looking for attention.

    Luckily I am a strong girl and I had to recover all on my own, with absolutely no help from those who were supposedly my 'friends'.

    But now when I'm trying to lose weight the healthy way, I come on to these boards expecting to be greeted with open arms and love and instead I run into the same comments.

    As SOON as someone finds out I'm not overweight, or that I used to have an ED I get HORRIBLE and HURTFUL comments, and I have to make a new account.

    So for the record, being anorexic is JUST as painful as being overweight. GET. OFF. YOUR. HIGH. HORSE.

    I am not overweight, and I used to have an eating disorder. I have never been treated poorly on this website based on those circumstances. Although, I went through in-patient and out-patient treatment and had the help and guidance from a nutritionist and psychologist in order to resolve the underlying issues and allow me to live a normal life.

    I completely recovered (it was a little rocky at times, but I have never relapsed and it has been seven years). I am focusing on getting myself into the best shape of my life now and working toward reaching goals I never thought I'd be able to do like completing a mud race, completing P90X, running a 5k &10k, completing Tough Mudder.. All of these things I must work toward, and I'd never be able to complete them if I fell into unhealthy patterns.

    Through my past treatment and the knowledge I gained in nursing school, I will not let myself enter that Hell again. Ever. I know my warning signs, I know my health is on the line.

    Perhaps some people have the idea that all previous eating disorder MFPers are always being unhealthy, and while that's not the case all of the time, more often than not those who have past issues never sought medical/mental help and still cannot grasp a healthy relationship between food and exercise. Recovery without relapse in patients who seek professional guidance accounts about 50% of all eating disorder cases, so think about the relapse statistics for those who "self-treat". It was advised to me that if I ever needed to legitimately lose weight, I should do so under the supervision of a nutritionist and therapist in order to avoid relapse.

    ** I had about 2034876240 thoughts going through my mind, so forgive me if this was jumbled.
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