Toddler mom! Officially starting to count cals today!

NadiaRobbins95 Posts: 2 Member
edited December 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Heya. I do need some buddies because I think a little shame goes a long way.
I gave birth to my LO in September 2017, and I now weigh almost as much as I did right before she was born. (160-165lbs approx.) My goal is to completely lose the baby weight and be back to the 120-125lb range. I’m 5’3”
I’m a nanny so getting super active isn’t usually an option because my LO’s naptimes almost always clash with my NK, and by the time we get home there’s just enough time to make dinner, get clean, and go to bed.
I actually love to eat fresh fruits and veggies, but I find that the convenience of making something the whole family will eat often trumps eating something healthy while they eat their normal fare.
So, that means I can control my food while I’m at work, and portion control at home! Oh goodie. I can feel the hunger already.
I started calorie counting last Friday but I’ve decided I’m officially going to stick to my guns starting today. They do say it’s best to start your goals on a Monday!
To conclude: I’m looking for mom, nanny, guitarist, nerd, or photographer friends who also need to cut a significant amount of weight. Add me (:


  • MarieRosekenji85
    MarieRosekenji85 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey, I'm a mom of 3 boys and I clean houses part time. I totally understand what you're saying about counting calories and meal planning. I'm working on calorie counting and getting back on track this week myself. I need to do better about my snacking and meal planning for the family. You are welcome to add me if you like.
  • KristaMac88
    KristaMac88 Posts: 163 Member
    Im a mom of a 2yr old and 1yr old and a picky eating husband! The supper fight is continuous. I try to plan healthy meals, suppers are not toooo bad. I try to get to bed early to get up at 5am and go to the gym before work because I know once i am home I will neverrrr get back out to do so. And the thought of fighting with a toddler over the tv just isnt worth the meltdown. I have been counting calories for a couple weeks now but always seem to go over still..and slack off on the weekends. Spec this time of year. I will add ya's and hope that we can support and encourage each other!!
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    My son just turned 2 and, while I don't have much weight left to lose, these last few pounds seem significantly harder to drop! I also work out in the morning before work (up at 4 or 5) and am fortunate enough that my husband likes to cook, so we usually each contribute something to dinner, which makes it easier for me to have something healthy while he has something he likes. However, it is increasingly harder for me to resist temptation at work during this holiday season and I'm trying hard to come out on the other side without gaining weight, at the very least.