Looking for fitness friends that will motivate

Hello. My name is Nicole. This is my 1000th time signing up for "my fitness pal" and I am looking for my fitness pal friends. That want to motivate and speak about their struggles with working out and food temptations with other. Happy Saturday!!!


  • Claiestrong8
    Claiestrong8 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Claire, starting my fitness pal today . Looking and ready for support! Here's to day 1
  • bjwedding727
    bjwedding727 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ladies!! I’m down to join a little support group. I’m a 27 yo woman, 5’7, started on myfitnesspal November 9th at 155 lbs and am down 5 lbs so far, my goal is to get to 140 ish (I haven’t weighed less than 150 since high school so I’ve forgotten what weight looks best on me lmao) and tone up for my wedding which is in May :) We can do this! What are your goals Nicole & Claire?
  • joeygymfit
    joeygymfit Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Been lifting for a couple years but just stared fitpal today!
  • jwdman
    jwdman Posts: 5 Member
    Hello my name is Jeff I’m new to this app. I have a long journey ahead of me my starting weight was 307 the heaviest I have been😩 I started dieting on Monday dec 3 and doing t25 at night And a little weight training in the morning. I work as a heavy equipment operator so I sit in a Machine for 12 hours a day. I’m a single dad with two boys, so when I get off work I like spending time with them. I have let myself go because I didn’t feel I had time to workout. With my food intake was just bad choices at work and home. I’m down 12lbs as of now
  • kneelanda92
    kneelanda92 Posts: 9 Member
    Could use the support also! Friends make this struggle easier and I’m just getting started for the 20 millionth time.
  • doubleIronDog
    doubleIronDog Posts: 93 Member
    I am here if you need me! We got this!
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Hi. I have done this before. I've been off this site for about 3 months but have watched what I ate. Lost 40 lbs. in 2015 only to discover a brain cancer tumor. That's been removed and chemo is now done but I gained the weight back. I know I can do this but am currently having back problems so exercise is out. We can do this together.
  • NvrGivUpM8
    NvrGivUpM8 Posts: 78 Member
    I can help you here Nic! Let's get this food and fitness party started!
  • beardniron_wes
    beardniron_wes Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Nicole. I’m new here myself. Been lifting for a while but now aiming towards a whole new set of goals requiring more dedication and accountability than ever before! Let’s get connected!