Don't Fix What Ain't Broke

Let me tell ya, being a full time farm wife is a lot of work... especially when you get up at 5 am and set water on 500 acres, bale hay and straw, harvest and haul crops, work ground down, help a neighbor or two out, come home, take care of house chores, make dinner, and get up and do it all again the next day... oh yeah... i also work 10-12 hour shifts in bank 4 days a week... phew... you can see where health and fitness may not be the top priority in my life.

My husband and i got married 6 months ago after dating for a year and from the day we met... its been go go go! i like to tell people that he married me for free labor lol. we work hard to keep our farm strong and growing. i love going from a desk job to the big open fields... its a great balance of life and really makes you appreciate the perks of and office job and well... being employed... to the beauty of being outdoors and making something sooo many people benefit from.

Obviously after we got engaged i did the "pre wedding" crash diet. i lost about 5 lbs and told myself that my hubby loved me just the way i am... so why am i trying to fix what ain't broke? well... our wedding day came and went and i was HORRIFIED by the pictures. I was at a whopping 225 and i looked every bit of it!. i swore i was going drop the weight and get back to that sexy, confident woman i used to be... no i was going to be better! well i hit the gym and watched what i ate like a hawk and lost 20 lbs in a month!!! i was feeling great about myself. then the farming season kicked into full swing and i spend the next few months in a tractor and in the fields. you might think "hey. she's in the field going all day... how could she not continue to drop the weight?" well... the answer is... FAST FOOD and SODA! you don't have a ton of time for working out or eating right when you go Go GO! sooo here i am back at 218... lame.

Well i am done with a capital D. I have learned how to can my food and have countless fresh produce at my hand and unlimited resources to make sure the food in my house is 100% healthy!!! My new goal is to work out TWO HOURS a day and change how i eat completely. A fresh food diet is whats in store for me :) Fresh fruits, meats, milk, juice, the whole 9 yards. I am sooo lucky to have a wonderful husband that supports me every step of the way and is getting healthy with me!

I realized that the "don't fix what ain't broke" only applies when something is broke. I am not broke. I am simply "weeding" my "garden" of things that keep me from looking and feeling my best. One day i am not going to have the advantages of youth; i want to always be youthful in body and mind, also i want to be a good example to my friends, family, husband, and my future children. I want to be a true happy and healthy farm family... in fields and in our home.


  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    Way to go on the new approach : ) Thats an amazing life you live, being healthier will help you enjoy it longer. Good luck to you : ) add me if you like for support : )
  • WskyTngoFxtrt
    thank you solflyer81! i sure do love my life and would love to share it with you and anyone else needing a support buddy!
  • ashleys_aya
    ashleys_aya Posts: 5 Member
    Good job girl! I totally understand what you mean by being busy and not having time to make healthy food and stuff.. You know how busy I am! lol. But if we are really dedicated, we can do it! I really do think you and I need to get together one of these days and make some plan on cheering each other on and be each other's coach/support/drill sergeant!
  • Bucky2BeBetty
    Bucky2BeBetty Posts: 79 Member
    This reminds me so much of my early marriage, only we had pigs and crops. Now, we just raise corn and soybeans. And kids. We have four, two grown and gone boys and two teen girls. I also work off the farm and after kids came, became more moral supporter than actual farm hand. Townies have no idea of farm life other than what they see in Green Acres reruns. Not particularly accurate! Especially during planting and harvest, life is completely focused on the work at hand. Because that is where your $$$ will come from in the next year!

    You are brilliant to think about getting in shape now as it does get harder with age and more limited in terms of time and energy you can commit to it. Do you live far from town? Do you have access to a gym? Those are challenges if you live in the boonies!

    Good luck and friend me if you want an old farm wife cheering you on.