a question for current and past Weight Watchers members



  • shashaz2002
    I stopped going to WW because I couldn't afford the meeting fee once DH lost his job. However, at my meetings, they never tried to push any WW products. The whole emphasis was on better food choices, portion control and, yes, exercise. I think it really depends on the meeting leader.

    I have to agree with you, my leader never pushes WWer products, and in fact, I don't think she eats them either. I think there is a meeting and leader out there for everyone, you just have to find one.

    WWer is what saved me and I was able to lose 80 pounds and keep most of it off (except for this 5 pounds I gained from exercising:wink: )
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I never did meetings. I did online only. Then I bought myself an electronic tracker and canceled my membership. :-)

    I've heard people say this, so I'm sure it's true at meetings. However, I will point out that exercise allows members to up what they can eat, so in a way, I feel like allowing activity points (and especially because you can use points earned on your first day of the week on your last day instead of just losing them) encourages exercise.

    I knew a lot of people who chose not to eat their AP points, but liked to see the number go up, so that was also motivating.

    I had a lot of success with WW and I can't blame the program for my falling off the wagon. I will point out that even when I stopped counting points, I was still exercising almost daily. It was the eating too much that was the problem and why I gained some (not all!) back.

    I'm following it again to re-lose that weight and then some.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    After attending my first Weight Watchers meeting last night as an observer from the public, I came away feeling the supportiveness of the group and the willingness to help by the team leaders, but also felt that the focus was very much on the food, the products they sell and diet.
    I didn't feel that they put a lot of focus on the fitness and activity element of weight loss and after blogging last night it appears that other past members feel the same way. I feel that without the fitness and exercise element I can see how many people aren't successful once they leave WW as they haven't trained their body to be active during their WW time.
    What to other MFP friends think of this? Do you think that there is not enough focus on the exercise and fitness within WW?

    I'm a lifetime WWer Member and I think it depends on the leader as to whether or not they promote the WWer products and food. My leader is fantastic and is a retired nurse, and focuses more on activity and healthy lifestyles, she doesn't promote the WWer products, but she does bring in "food finds" from other stores, which is great! Try and find a group and a leader that you like, I have had some leaders in the past that sounded like robots, and really didn't care for their meetings.

    I totally agree with this. Your WW meeting experience depends on the leader. My mom is a lifetime WWer, but she only got to her goal weight and made "lifetime" after she found a leader she liked. Her leader definitely promotes exercise as being part of the program.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    WW Is the lazy mans diet. It works, and I've done it a few times (see..which I guess means it doesn't work).

    You don't learn about what is in food, most of WW's products have tons of artificial flavorings and chemicals to make them "low cal and low fat". You assume that vegetables have no calories so you can over indulge in a lot of things on accident.

    Its a good stepping stone but if your going to give your money to companies for weight loss you should look into eat this not that, and do lots of research of whats in food. The more you learn about different foods and how they react with your body the easier it is to choose healthy options. But you can get great weight loss plans and information for free thanks to the world wide web. WW is just a way to keep track of food and I think this program works a lot better.

    Apparently you missed the emphasis on eating based on the Good Health Guidelines:

    A minimum of 5 fruit and vegetable servings each day
    2 t of a healthy oil each day
    A minimum or 6 glasses of water each day
    Two dairy servings per day
    A multivitamin
    Choose whole grains over white bread, rice, etc.
    Eat protein each day
    Limit sugar and alcohol
    And, oh yes, they added exercise daily as the ninth GHG in recent years.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I did weightwatchers to lose my first big lot of weight. I have no complaints about the programme. I did it online, not via meetings (I can't stand the AA feel of those kinds of 'support' groups). The programme is fine. I think I did learn healthy eating as pointing isn't really dramatically different from calorie counting. I did lots of exercise when I was on WW and thoroughly enjoyed it. Exercise is pointed and the incentive to 'eat back' points is still there. The online community in the UK is very supportive and very well informed.

    For me the only big reason for the change was financial. I struggle to justify spending money each month for ww, when this resource is not dramatically different, and is free.

    Also, the new points system doesn't suit a vegetarian lifestyle as well as the old system did, and I found myself getting annoyed with that aspect of it.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    WW focuses on food and weight more than activity....

    However, WW does encourage members to exercise because you can earn Activity Points, which you can then eat... so it still goes back to food! :laugh:
  • Roxanne003
    I am currently using WW and I think it depends on the facilitator. When I was working a group of us did the at work program for 16 weeks, and all of us lost weight, and our leader did emphasize exercise, and drinking water. I don't particularly like water (don't know why, had a jug in fridge all the time when I was growing up). She loved our wellness center. and after work we would meet and work out together. Now I'm doing WW on-line, and I think I need to change to actually attending meetings. It's hard on your own.:wink:
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    I've been much more successful here than I ever was at WW.
    Educate yourself on how to eat healthy and then count your calories on MFP and you will do very well.
    The way WW hawks all those crappy candy bars really is disgraceful.
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    I've been much more successful here than I ever was at WW.
    Educate yourself on how to eat healthy and then count your calories on MFP and you will do very well.
    The way WW displays and emphasizes all those crappy candy bars and other unhealthy snacks is disgraceful.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    it all depends on the leader. my leader was great. she told me that i need to watch what i ate and exercise to get the body buring fat too. WW was a good start for me and i lost weight. I left when i found myfitness pal b/c i want to get to total package. I will admit they do like to show you new foods and products but hey they are in it to make $$$ weather we lose weight or not.

    Oh don't believe the hype with their girl Jennifer Hudson. She only lost 20lbs on WW. The other 60lbs she lost using another program which she wont name.
  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    I am a Lifetime Member at WW and was even a receptionist there for a time.

    I did WW many times until finally in 2007 I had enough when I reached an all-time high of 265 pounds. I was able to get to 145 but then I couldn’t get the scale to budge any longer so I switched to maintenance for a few months. Then when the new Points Plus program rolled out I tried the weight loss plan again and again the scale didn’t budge. I started to track calories on Spark and lost 10 pounds.

    I think WW is a great program. No, it does not focus intently on exercise however that is because there are so many people at there who either refuse to exercise, or are unable to physically. I always thought this was an area that WW could improve upon. Calculating Activity Points via WW methods was just ridiculously inaccurate.

    In my experience the meetings vary from each meeting depending on the leader and the dynamics of the group. A good leader has a feel of the group and knows what will fly and what won’t fly in the meeting. I’ve worked at meetings where there were scheduled walks as a group prior to the meeting. And some centers organize bigger walks for all of the meetings combined. With one group I worked with, we all did a walk together as a group for an Autism Awareness group (one of the member’s son has autism). The main priority as given to a leader by WW is retaining membership. A leader is not going to push exercise if they think their group does not want to hear it. Great thing about WW though if you are not getting what you need out of the meeting, you can switch to another meeting. Even if it is ran by the same leader, the members will be different and thus so are the dynamics of the group.

    I worked with one leader who would seriously push products. And yet worked with other leaders who did not. Keep in mind that leaders and receptionists both get a commission on all products sold during their meeting.

    I’ve grown from WW now. I sometimes will switch back to counting points, but I seriously do not like the new Points Plus Program. It does not work for me. And I don’t agree with some of the changes they made.
  • smartinsc711
    I have been on Weight Watchers for the past few years. I think that adding exercise to that and any 'diet' change is crucial. I'm not sure that WW focuses on the exercise portion as much as the change in food intake, but I know that its valued as being part of a well balanced life change. Maybe the meeting you went to was just a bad example.

    I have just recently decided to give mfp a try and take a break from WW....I'm finding that both put about the same emphasis on working out.
  • Laurarunnergirl
    Laurarunnergirl Posts: 36 Member
    I've been a Lifetime WW member for years, but I track my points using the system I'm famiiar with, so can't speak to the newer plans.

    I do recall that for new members, the emphasis for the first few weeks was on food and getting adapted to changing your eating habits. Then the exercise focus began and continued on from there.

    I totally agree with the above posters when they say it depends on the group and the leader. Some are better than others. I'm fortunate that I have multiple WW locations in my area, and have found one that is really great. Our particular group is quite focused on walking/running, both on an individual basis and as a group (March of Dimes, Race for the Cure, etc.) There are also group challenges from time to time where members can challenge themselves to complete a certain number of workouts, run/walk more miles, etc. If you're interested in continuing, keep trying until you find the group that works for you.
  • LeanneCutrara
    LeanneCutrara Posts: 31 Member
    I have been a weight watcher for several years. I agree the support and ideas you get from the meetings are great. I am disappointed though that they only have their online tracking for Iphone and have not come up with something for blackberry. I am using the tracking with MFP and its awesome and really is easy and everything I eat I track right away. So in actual fact I am more focused then ever.

    Excericse is what we all can do, its not about lifting weights or hard core excericse for some of us that can't do these things. 10 minute a walk aday is better than sitting on the couch for those 10 minutes. Its all about moving just alittle bit more than what we do...

    I would love to see MFP have the ability to track points too, leave an open field that anyone can track the extras that they want,
  • mtnmaw
    mtnmaw Posts: 15
    I would agree that the main focus at Weight Watchers is the food, for sure. I lost 76 pounds at WW and now have gained 20 back. Now on MFP to get that off. I am not much of a fitness buff at my age of nearly 66, but I do like water aerobics and swimming a lot. Also do some walking as well. I am trying to get the weight back down to maintain my present state of health.:flowerforyou:
  • zapatasbloodjv
    I did WW and lost weight both times -- I gained most of it back once I left.

    The meetings I went emphasized exercise but was not specific to which ones u should do...many different ppl with various levels of fitness...so I could not fault them for that.

    They sell their wares but so does every other "program" p90x - has shakes/bars/mats etc. --- they do not force u to buy them and I never did.

    I would say that they biggest problem is that the meetings are general in nature. The weigh-ins keep u honest but they leave it up to u to figure out proper eating habits based on the points system. When ur there u kinda expect them to give u all the answers.
  • doittoitandloseit
    This isn't a reply this is a question- I am a current ww member and have been for years- Im thinking of switching to this program My question is with the extra calories you gain from excercise- do you have to use them the same day or can you bank them for the weekend for something special?????
  • sistahbigbone
    sistahbigbone Posts: 13 Member
    I think WW is a good program. Like other have said, it all depends on your leader. My former leader was mainly about health and nutrition. Products were only brought up if it was fitting. Current leader mentions them all of the time and it's a put off.

    With that said, I no longer go to meetings, but track my food online with WW and here on MFP. I stopped meetings not because of the product pushing, but because it all started to sound the same. I have a feeling in the future that I'll eventually just use MFP.
  • cmjustin
    cmjustin Posts: 11
    their program is more sent on food control which is very helpful
    but if your are into working out like i was every day on my elliptical and burn calories
    you would have to way up your protein, very frustrated
    Working out was great and I was into it but it did not work with their plan. They would never say you are working out too much;
    you need to add more protein in to compensate for the calorie you're burning
    And yes it would depend on the team leader, try different ww in the area
    And yes my leader wanted me to buy their products and stop using other for no reason?
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    This isn't a reply this is a question- I am a current ww member and have been for years- Im thinking of switching to this program My question is with the extra calories you gain from excercise- do you have to use them the same day or can you bank them for the weekend for something special?????

    Unless they changed something in the past few years, they want you to use them up the day you earn them, if at all. And don't use up more than 4/day (of the old AP's, not sure the new ones, probably 5).

    But there's no WW police. Do what you want. It's not going to make the plan not work if you bank activity calories. They already have the bankable 'weekly points', though. Do you really need to also bank AP's?