365 days in... Did you reach goal weight?

I'm nearly at the 365 day mark and I'm interested to hear about the experiences of everyone else who are/have approached the year mark.

I started mfp on 26th December last year. I had done mfp before but my motivation only lasted for a few weeks... On reflection now I think there are 2 reasons for this.... I wasnt really in the right full comnitment/determination mindset and secondly I didn't have any mfp friends during those failed attempts.

So I hit my goal weight some months ago and totally surprised myself that I did it as other than increasing my activity my diet hasn't changed hugely. That's the beauty and liberating thing with mfp... you can eat what you want!!!

I surpassed goal weight by a further 10 pounds and have been in maintenance for a while. This is a way of life for me... I love it. This time last year I was 40 pounds heavier and very inactive. Looking forward to starting 2019 being a weight that I'm content with and so much more active.

What about everyone else? Have you reached goal weight? Nearly there? Fallen off the bandwagon and back on again? I would love to hear about your journey.


  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    It is fantastic that you have reached goal and are maintaining.

    I am a one of those who fell off the wagon.

    Lost 32lbs fairly easily in 2011 MFP and lifting heavy. Felt fabulous. Maintained for about 2 years. Quit smoking, ate aaaalllll the fooodz and stopped exercising, went back to bad habits. Put it all back on again and also gained Osteoarthritis along the way. Lots of stress this last couple of years with elderly mum is not helping and I started smoking again. Got back to weight loss more seriously last year have lost the 30lbs gained and aiming to lose another 30lb by summer.

    However the big difference this time around is I am struggling to get back to the gym because of the pain so I am losing more muscle this time around and I dont feel or look so fit.

    I am slowly working up to more strength as this would help in the long run but I struggle to fight the fear of setting off a joint flare up if I do too much.

    I set some goals at the beginning of the year and have hit them all so far. Not going to hit my Christmas one by a couple of pounds but I got close so I am happy with that.
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    Started back on March 27th...IF was my choice to lose weight. On March 26th I stumbled across a post about IF, read about it, then started the very next day! I do either an 8 or 6 hour feeding window daily. I have had a few days over the last 9 months where I resorted back to old ways of eating but would always refocus. Love IF and to date I am down 25 lbs and have about 6 lbs to go to hit my goal, I am hoping to hit that by end of February.

    So this was a good year!
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    It took me 9 months to lose my 40lbs between summer of 2016 and spring of 2017. I have maintained since March of 2017 in the same 5lb range so a year and 9 months or so. I found losing quite straight forward and got into a routine easily once I had decided to be serious. Figuring out maintenance and being mostly comfortable took longer than losing the weight, I found it a tricky transition. There are still some things I am working out but it is all calming down bit by bit.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I start on December 17th 2017. I'm not at goal weight. I'm going very slow for now to so that I can have something sustainable. I've got about 20lbs to go (out of 50lbs) I'm also working with an online trainer to help sculpt my macros and muscles during this process.
  • Enthusiast84
    Enthusiast84 Posts: 171 Member
    Congratulations! I hit 365 days last week myself. I still have about 14 pounds to lose before I hit my goal weight, but I’m happy with my progress - 56 pounds lost in 52 weeks! I’m glad that I’ve been reading the forums here and was mentally prepared for how slow this last bit of weight loss would be. I haven’t set a goal date; I’m just happy to see the data continuing to trend down. I’m not willing to restrict myself to 1200-1300 calories per day, so I’m willing to take a little extra time to get there.

    For me, exercising has been a key part of the weight loss equation. I understand the “you can’t outrun your fork” perspective, but, as a barely 5’1” woman, I really do need to exercise to continue eating a reasonable number of calories while losing. To each their own.

    I'm also 5 foot 1 and completely agree. It's nice to get a few extra calories through activity particularly as we don't get much being small.
  • Enthusiast84
    Enthusiast84 Posts: 171 Member
    It took me 9 months to lose my 40lbs between summer of 2016 and spring of 2017. I have maintained since March of 2017 in the same 5lb range so a year and 9 months or so. I found losing quite straight forward and got into a routine easily once I had decided to be serious. Figuring out maintenance and being mostly comfortable took longer than losing the weight, I found it a tricky transition. There are still some things I am working out but it is all calming down bit by bit.

    I too have struggled with maintenance. I haven't gained but have very gradually lost some more. Still haven't quite figured out how many calories I should be eating.

    I'm set to sedentary and then fitbit does the adjustment for me. On very active days there can be quite a big surplus. I don't always eat them all back. I'm pretty sure it's a mentality thing which I need to get over, but then I'm not always hungry to want to eat every calorie back!!

    Maybe in the next year I'll cracking maintenance!
  • barefootcassie
    barefootcassie Posts: 27 Member
    I started my journey October 2017 and I'm down 35 pounds. I still have around 100 to go. Slow and steady here. I did take a two month maintenance break over the summer. I did great and didnt gain any and still logged everything. Then I had surgery this past October so that slowed things down some more. But I didnt gain. I figure the time is passing anyway so I keep on keeping on. I will eventually get there.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I've been maintaining going on 6 years...
  • kew1952
    kew1952 Posts: 52 Member
    I just hit 370 days and I am about 10 pounds from goal weight. I am okay with that as I am in this for the long haul.
  • etherealanwar
    etherealanwar Posts: 465 Member
    I've managed to lose 50lbs from January to now and I'm 25 lbs from my ultimate goal weight but only 5 from a healthy BMI so I'm happy with this progress.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've been on MFP for almost 6 years! It took me about 1.5 year to lose 80 lbs out of the 84 I wanted to lose, and I've slowly gained 25 lbs back since. Honestly... I had to restrict myself way too much to lose the weight, and it wasn't sustainable, and my hunger shot up once I reached my lowest, and I started to have health issues that made it hard to stay as active, so maintaining has been pretty much impossible (I'm one of the people who just can't fit what they want in their diet or I just get too hungry - I see people get satisfied after eating some things that wouldn't fill me up one bit!).

    Truth is... I'm mostly happier now that I'm 15 lbs overweight and don't have to completely obsess about calories anymore. Once my health issues are under control I'm definitely going to start exercising again though... I actually miss it, it's just not easy when you start coughing your lungs out or feel like you're going to pass out after 5 minutes on the treadmill.

    I mean... kudos to people who are happy eating 1600 calories a day. I certainly am not.