Feasting at Christmas has made me realise I can eat a lot!

I love food but Christmas although by nature comes with feasting and celebrating. For me it also makes me realise I’m a huge glutton, each time I go into a room with bread, crackers and chocolates on display I find it hard to resist yet my husband is like “couldn’t eat another thing”. It’s Christmas so going to let myself off but also annoyed I find gluttony easy.

If I start eating I can compulsively nibble all day. It’s a side note really as lots be thankful for and with family (more importantly) but also reminded I was rhino on a former life and will have to plan welly oe nature I loose and do not gain/binge eat to achieve my goals next year.


  • skelterhelter
    skelterhelter Posts: 803 Member
    Same...my desire to eat lots of food hasn't changed with dieting, sadly.
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
    Yes. I have to make a bit of a conscious effort to not eat all the food
  • sungoddess337
    sungoddess337 Posts: 62 Member
    When I logged my food I was very surprised at the amount I had eaten and I know I wasn’t accurate with nibbles before lunch. Makes you think
  • Same here - I've averaged 3k+ calories the past two days and that's with attempting to be mindful. Snacks can add up awfully quickly, even if they don't fill me up. I could do some pretty serious damage to a holiday spread :DB)

    But it's also just a single period of time that occurs just once a year. Family and feasting go hand in hand in my family tradition, and I wouldn't want to lose out on any of it.

    To me, what's more important than what I ate over the past several days is not letting the eating habits of the holidays extend into regular day to day life. A few days in the grand scheme of things are negligible - but a few weeks or months won't be.

    Besides, I put all those delicious calories to good use fuelling some killer workouts! Holidays mean time off from work and more leisure for exercise.
  • cbs1974
    cbs1974 Posts: 98 Member
    One or 2 days over the holidays whatever Christmas or Birthdays etc wont cause to much problems , If your mindful and make conscious choices for only a day or two , this should not make a deal of difference in the whole scheme of things.
    Ive done 3-4 K calories a couple of days up to the big day and on the big day , but today have done a big walk and a gym work out and I am eating normal.

    I have noticed already I am overly bloated around the waste which will subside over the next few days and is a good enough sign to get back on track.

    On another note eating all the rich salty and surgery food has emptied my bowel big time so will be a few lbs down :smiley: