Plant based diet + weight training friends!

Hi! I have been on mfp since 2013, but got locked out of my old account :c I am looking to build an active group of friends with similar goals. Add me if my stats/goals sound like someone you wanna talk to!

Height: 5'9" (female)
Age: 26
Weight: 136lbs
Goal: gaining muscle. I do not care what the number on the scale says so long as I look hot.

Exercise: stairclimber, weight training. Emphasis on gains, but cardio is good for everyone.

Diet: unprocessed is the most important part for me. I am also very low sugar/meat, so it's a lotta beans and peanutbutter over here lol. I will continue to enjoy the occasional steak, but it's not on my daily menu if that makes sense.


  • May_anka
    May_anka Posts: 16 Member
    I'll add you. I'm no meat. I used to weight train a lot, but gaining weight has impacted my abilities to train but I'm getting back at it.

    I'm currently losing, but I love to lift and can't wait until I'm finally able to say I want to gain :D
  • govtelectromagnetsprobably
    Nice to meet you!
  • ajjayyjayy
    ajjayyjayy Posts: 4 Member
    Me! I'm looking to drop the extra pudge and start building muscle. I want to be able to look at an athletic activity and not hesitate to join in, so I'm all about ability over what the scale says! I'm meat free, and working on understanding how to use that to my advantage in weight lifting.