Pushing past the 3 week mark

I just recently started working out & eating healthier again. I have set the goal to loose weight every year for the last several years & never succeed. I've been fortunate to at least not GAIN any additional weight but am tired of being stuck at my current size. I have noticed from previous attempts that after three weeks is usually when I begin to struggle especially because I'm not seeing any progress. I want this more than ever now. Does any one have any good advice on how to push past that "3 week mark"? For those who have been successful in their weight loss, what are some of the things that worked for you to keep you motivated and focused on your goal?


  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    I'm in about the third week of this (again). I'd been injured and was out of the gym for weeks but i've just gotten myself back on track.
    I've found that getting up and exercising is the way to go, the hardest part is getting started. Once you've started it's easier to get going. Yesterday, for example, I was considering the gym all day and I REALLY didn't want to, but I got my *kitten* off the couch and went and I feel so much better.. eventually it will become second nature, you just have to stick with it :happy:
  • Hi I've lost about 3.6lbs MFP rounds it off to 4lb but the thing I noticed is that if you stick to this tool on recording your food intake and sticking to your calories you can have success but you have to be honest with yourself. Today I blew my whole diet I thought but when i entered everything it turned out I wasn't that far off on the calories just that I had eaten at odd times. I'm starting the 3 week mark and I intend to continue. Good luck and weigh yourself every week preferably on Friday morning as soon as you wake up.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    well im printing off calender pages and will mark the days as i go, if i dont exercise i cant mark it off and seeing a blank square will kill me.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    You look amazing in your profile pick Lesl!

    beautifulhotmess: If you're struggling at week 3, sometimes its because you made it too hard for yourself. Did you set up a TON of lifestyle changes at once? Its really hard to maintain the motivation and willpower to stick with a bunch of major changes.

    So maybe try turning it down a little -- if you set yourself to lose 2lbs per week for example, set it to 1 instead. If you said you were going to weight train 3 days a week for an hour and run 3 days a week for an hour, try making it walking 4 days a week and then slowly add in more committed time and types of exercise. You should kind of feel like every day you are just doing maybe 1 or 2 things differently, and not HUGE differently, just slightly differently. Don't go low carb but reduce your carbs by 20%. Don't think you're going to run a marathon every week, think you're going to run a 5 k every week. Set small attainable goals and then succeed at them. That will keep you motivated every week.
  • Thank you every one for the responses :) & yes Lesley you do look great! Love the before & after photo. Thank you tameko2 that was helpful advice. I actually do have the tendency to start off full throttle and burn out.