Please help :,(

1. Is there anyone in here that hit a plateau in their weightloss? What did you do to get over that and how long did it take you?

I googled "how to break a plateau" a billion times.

I thought I was done with this as my scale was finally moving. I increased my intake but I gained back to the original number now. UGH!

I workout 6x a week. I do different strength training every week, so I know my body is being challenged. I'm eating anywhere from 1500-1800 healthy calories a day,depending on how active I am. I do sprint intervals for 30 mins on the treadmill or a spin class for cardio 3x a week.

My weight has gone from 126-134 up and down a million times over in the past 2 months.
Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to bust your *kitten* in the gym and choose healthy meals, only to see no results?

I've tried everything and I'm starting to think something is wrong with me.
I went out tonight and I declined the world's most amazing looking nachos. This **** better be worth it. :,(

What should I do or what am I doing wrong?


  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    I have no solution to offer, I am in the same boat. Frustrating is an under statement. Just don't give up!
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    First I'd figure out what you BMR is at. Make sure you are under that number.

    Also, are you doing the same routine over and over?

    Just by your picture, you already look small, how much more can you loose?

    And, don't worry about what the scale says. That thing is devious and really has no purpose at all. If you really want to see where you are at, buy a tape measure. Figure out your BF% and your body inches. That's where the real results lay.
  • InaWarZone
    The only way to KNOW is to get your metabolism tested. My wife got her tests done and found that she had a very slow metabolism... like 1200 calories with no workout. Really.

    My recommended intake on MFP produced dismal results till I cut my calories more.

    Others will argue all of this of course, but remember... this is a website not a trainer.

    Spend the money, get tested... worked for us.
  • zapatasbloodjv
    My friend used to carb cycle to cut under 10% body fat.

    It worked well.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    First I'd figure out what you BMR is at. Make sure you are under that number.

    Also, are you doing the same routine over and over?

    Just by your picture, you already look small, how much more can you loose?

    And, don't worry about what the scale says. That thing is devious and really has no purpose at all. If you really want to see where you are at, buy a tape measure. Figure out your BF% and your body inches. That's where the real results lay.

    I'm thin-ish but at the same time, I feel very flabby (stomach especially) after losing around 50lbs.
    My bodyfat percentage also isn't where I'd like it to be.

    I'm definitely not doing the same routine over and over. I work a different muscle group everyday.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    The only way to KNOW is to get your metabolism tested. My wife got her tests done and found that she had a very slow metabolism... like 1200 calories with no workout. Really.

    My recommended intake on MFP produced dismal results till I cut my calories more.

    Others will argue all of this of course, but remember... this is a website not a trainer.

    Spend the money, get tested... worked for us.

    I've been meaning to do this...and to get my thyroid checked...
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    First I'd figure out what you BMR is at. Make sure you are under that number.

    Also, are you doing the same routine over and over?

    Just by your picture, you already look small, how much more can you loose?

    And, don't worry about what the scale says. That thing is devious and really has no purpose at all. If you really want to see where you are at, buy a tape measure. Figure out your BF% and your body inches. That's where the real results lay.

    I'm thin-ish but at the same time, I feel very flabby (stomach especially) after losing around 50lbs.
    My bodyfat percentage also isn't where I'd like it to be.

    I'm definitely not doing the same routine over and over. I work a different muscle group everyday.

    Well that's great but do you do the same workouts for each muscle group?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I was 150lbs from Sept 2010 to May 2011. While 150lbs was my original goal weight, I wasn't happy with how I looked. I knew I wanted to lose a little more (no more than 10lbs) but weight loss seemed to elude me for all those months. I was proud of the fact that I was able to maintain through the holiday season and through multiple injuries that prevented me from working out. But, was I happy? No.

    In May, I decided to try upping my calories and what do you know? Dropped 5lbs in that week. Then I dropped another 2lbs. Decided to up my calories again just to see what would happen. I was consuming 3000 net calories a day and got down to 141lbs. I learned very quickly that while my body LOVES that many calories (weight-wise) I do NOT like the way I feel when I consume that many calories. I lowered it to 2200-2500 net calories, weight went back to 143-145lbs and now I am happily maintaining it.

    You just have to figure out what your body wants. Also, as you get thinner - it DOES get harder and harder to lose weight. Plus, women's bodies as a rule want to hold onto more fat than men's bodies do. So, it isn't uncommon to hear about women struggling very hard with the last 10-15lbs.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I went through a HORRIBLE plateau- 6 months of NO weight loss despite my best efforts.

    After a while, I stopped counting calories and tried to eat more protein in general and finally a few weeks ago I broke me plateau! So I think the key is not to stress about it- Stress causes weight gain- and to up your protein!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    My opinion only -- everyone's body and metabolism is different.

    Your protein intake looks decent (it did today -- not sure what you are averaging). Shift to more protein in the morning and less carbs/sugar -- more berries less starchy fruit like bananas. Make sure the majority of your cals are earlier in day instead of at the end. . .

    Keep the sugar to under 20 per day and carbs under 150. It might be difficult because of the workout routine (carbs are nice energy). I adjusted to my workout routine with less carb, but I was able to do it and now I can't tell the difference.

    Experiment, keep the body guessing.
  • brookiebaby2003
    brookiebaby2003 Posts: 33 Member
    Are you drinking plenty of water every day?
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    Are you drinking plenty of water every day?

    I drink 1 gallon daily.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    I went through a HORRIBLE plateau- 6 months of NO weight loss despite my best efforts.

    After a while, I stopped counting calories and tried to eat more protein in general and finally a few weeks ago I broke me plateau! So I think the key is not to stress about it- Stress causes weight gain- and to up your protein!

    that sounds like a nightmare. i'm glad you're breaking through it now!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    It is possible (for whatever reason) that you are eating more than you need.

    If that is not the case, I have heard of folks stalling on weight loss for 2-6 months and then losing a ton (for reasons they never figured out). I read this one very inspiring story of a women who killed herself working out and dieting and did not lose anything for two months and then lost 15 lbs the third month.

    I've read about success stories of folks on this website who stalled progress for up to 4 months and went on to reach goal. So all I can say is DON'T GIVE UP.

    And, while I know you are trying to lose, just remember that even when you get to goal, you still have to eat healthy and exercise, so keep on, keeping on.

    Lastly, I'm all in favor of mixing up your exercise in a major way. Start swimming! Start hiking. Really mix it up.

  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    I don't know if i should be eating more or less. If I don't eat around 1600 calories a day, I feel extremely hungry and my stomach growls like crazy.
  • MJStory
    MJStory Posts: 42
    You think you've plateaued? You're doing strength training; that builds muscle that weighs more than the fat that you're losing. Are you taking measurements on a regular basis, and tracking them on your MFP diary? You could be losing inches while losing fat and gaining muscle mass, instead of showing weight loss. I would call that progress. Also, you need to change up your exercise routine at least every month to keep from plateauing in your workouts. I hope this helps.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    I appreciate everyone's help and support, thanks ya'll :D

    I am going to:
    See about getting my metabolism/thyroid check
    Eat more protein
    Throw away my scale. really though. It's gone as of tonight. Buh-byeee.
  • snook8
    snook8 Posts: 1
    Just a thought, but I would say first stop looking at the negatives. You aren't on a plateau if you are going up and down. You're eating healthy, that's GREAT, you're exercising, that's GREAT. I don't know how big you are but 124 to 136 sounds wonderful to me, unless you are only 5' tall and petite. Part of the difference could just be in what you are wearing when you weigh. Always weigh at the same time of day and wearing the basic same thing, I weigh when I get out of the shower, nude so there are no clothing lbs on me.

    Water retention can cause a fluctuation in pounds, but it really sounds like you are doing what it takes to be healthy. Relax and enjoy it, be positive and don't always skip eating something that you really like because that will screw you up faster than anything. When our brain feels deprived it will convince you that you deserve an extra 3000 calories for all that you are doing to keep it healthy, then next thing you know you bust your healthy eating plan all together. Try having the nachos in moderation or have a reasonable serving and let it go. If it is something you really want it's worth it in the long run, that doesn't mean splurge everyday with something not on your plan, but occasionally it's ok. I have a delicious dessert everyday, but I make them and control what goes in them, I keep my sugars and fats low, I had the best tasting cheesecake tonight for 259 calories and still ended up with calories left over for the day. I'm on a 1500 calorie goal a day and never feel deprived.

    Hang in there, it sounds like you are doing great.