Joined after knee surgery


I have just had some knee surgery after it was discovered that I had a hole in the cartilage. Looking to rehabilitate and get back into a fit state again.

I just posted in the general thread looking for some advice so if you have any exercise experience then any suggestions would be welcome.

Look forward to chatting to you about your fitness as well of course!



  • Pav2019
    Pav2019 Posts: 13 Member
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    I had knee replacement last year. The first exercise I found helpful was a variety of calisthenic movements in the pool. There were a number of things I could do that did not stress the knee or require weight bearing. Next I went back to the rowing mchine (whether this will affect your knee would probably depend on what you had done). I found it to be great as it worked on movement and leg strength without requiring weight bearing. I continue to row as I find it to be an excellent full-body aerobic exercise.