I'm crying on my couch, thinking about I've failed myself so terribly.



  • Anniejazz
    Anniejazz Posts: 31 Member
    You've been at the beginning before so you know what to expect. Try to make choices that will be enjoyable for you, realistic and permanent. The old adage, 'If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got' is very true. Use that gymrat for inspiration, help and motivation; people love being asked for help, especially if asked by someone they love.
    You can do it. X
  • schilv01
    schilv01 Posts: 1 Member
    thank you so much for being open and posting this! Like you this was just what I needed today. Really some beautiful replies- thank you everyone!
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    You have a gym rat as a partner. He should encourage, motivate you more than anything. Unlike some of us who have no one. Ease into training. Anything better than nothing. Start now, by summer you will be ready or close at least.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Thank you everyone! I'm feeling much better compared to when I posted this. Making changes, and feeling a lot better about approaching my goals this time around. Been upping my activity, being more cognizant of what I eat, and not feeling bad if I splurge (wasn't passing up wine and homemade scalloped potatoes at the family dinner for Christmas...).

    Thank you so much everyone. Reminding myself that small (and big) changes add up, and that it's okay to be at square one again.
  • michelleg85
    michelleg85 Posts: 30 Member
    I personally believe that sometimes these moments are like an epiphany, and what gets us back at the game. I remember going for a free trial at the gym with a friend and not being able to run for 3 minutes on the treadmill. I sat on the floor right there in the gym and cried. That was my moment, and I will always look back and remember it as the point after which I have been moving forward. Your moment is behind you, this is a good thing! Call it the rock bottom of the journey if you will, and you, my dear, are on the other side of it and on your way back up already.
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    Been there, done that, got a t shirt (which is now too tight!)--I was doing great, eating well and going to the gym, and I lost 35 pounds. Then started falling into bad habits again, and gained back 28 of them. All of my progress is gone--I get winded going up the stairs now, like I used to. I feel sloppy and sluggish and gross.
    It hit me this morning when I logged in--today is exactly 1 year ago that I started logging, and I have no real progress to show for my 365 days because I have slipped and splurged so much. Today I am back on the wagon again and I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself. Feel free to add me if you want (anyone!) because we all need support and encouragement!
  • krisclark220
    krisclark220 Posts: 3 Member
    We’re all on this app for a reason dear one. First: YOU are not your body!
    Second: be kind to yourself, that ‘body’ works every aspect of your physical being. Show it gratitude and then give it the nutrients it needs to be it’s healthiest.
    Third: were here for you! You’re not alone in your struggles. Just know that there are lots of us ‘starting again’ and need you as much as you need us.

    Have a strong 2019 and I can’t wait to hear and share in your progress.