NiGHT CREW FRiENDS (anyone work at night?)

Hello my name is Tiffany and I currently work at night so almost all my friends on here are never on and theres no activity going on lol. Like when I need a question answered (some time during the night at least...) it ever is answered soooo where the night crew?! :)


  • Soon2BMrsRamos
    Hey! Pediatric night nurse :) I am off tonight and it is 446 am here in Tampa and I am wide awake because I worked Friday night, slept all day Sat, ate dinner went back to bed until midnight and will be up until I take something to go back to bed to work tonight :) Welcome. What kind of night shift work do you do? Also there is a whole thread for night shifters.

  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Add some of us UK peeps! We'll be online then :-) Feel free to add :-)
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    I work nights too, in Retail. Night off but also wide awake at 3:50 am in northern Minnesota!
  • ChinaxDoll
    Hi nice to meet cha :) I am in nursing as well! I actually sprained my wrist so im on light duty and working the nurses station so I have this time on my hands lol. Im over here in california so your 3 hrs ahead? hey thatll work. so you mustve been tired huh? i only sleep about 6-7hrs but your probably 12hr shift huh? thanks for the thread!!
  • ChinaxDoll
    wow what time is it there? (i could just google it but hey why not ask? :))
  • ChinaxDoll
    hmm what kinda retail is overnight? im curious
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    Im nights as well, i'm an EMT in nj. :)
  • Soon2BMrsRamos
    Sorry about your wrist! Yes I work 7p--7a. What are your times? I usually can sleep for 12 hrs straight on my days off. I have been doing nights since Feb and still have not really adjusted to it. 2nd on the list to get transfered to days! :) Our floor is always slow so even when I am working I am on here.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I'm on nights as well - Lab Tech in AZ
  • missalicia78
    I work nights! Nurse technician in MI. ;)
  • kbach75
    kbach75 Posts: 10
    i work nights. 12 hour shifts. i have a desk job, so i'm always sitting. :/ does anyone eat to stay awake?
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I work nights too!!! I'm a police/fire/rescue dispatcher in Vermont.

    I've loaded my friend list with people from the UK and fellow night shifters - it's great to see activity in the wee hours of the morning Feel free to add me :)

    Also for anyone interested there is a night shift thread on here that is usually pretty active:
  • ChinaxDoll
    Seems like everyone is in the medical field whose up on nights! I work on rehab so we are thee only unit that works 8hrs so 2230 to 0700 its either quiet or really chaotic lol I remember when i first started working nights took me about 6months too fully adjust. 12hrs straight? thats amazing haha good luck on transferring! Nice to meet you guys!
  • kbach75
    kbach75 Posts: 10
    i've been straight nights for almost 8 years. some nights i think i'm still not used to it!!!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Hiya, time here is 10:09, will be the same throughout the UK and Ireland, it shifts a bit as you go across Europe :-) Thanks for the add!
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    Retail on Overnights, A lot of places lol. I work at walmart. We are open24-7 so we have cashiers, and we stock the shelves, clean, and all that fun stuff. I am on what is called a "mod team" We update the merchandise by taking out deleted items and replacing them with new items.
  • ChinaxDoll
    i work nights. 12 hour shifts. i have a desk job, so i'm always sitting. :/ does anyone eat to stay awake?

    I seriusly feel like i do it seems like our crew always has a potluck lol
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Add me, peoples! I work from home and am up for all sorts of crazy hours.

    I often say goodnight to my USA peeps and good morning to my UK peeps. ;)

  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    i work nights. 12 hour shifts. i have a desk job, so i'm always sitting. :/ does anyone eat to stay awake?

    yes, i plan my snacks and meal out over the night and use them like markers... snack time 3 hrs down ect
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    I will be an official night shifter in a week!!!