mixing weights / HIIT / cardio

i'm a member of a kettlebell gym that i love — i usually go 3-4 times a week. classes change every day — switches between weightlifting / HIIT usually. i am of the body type that i need to mix in some cardio (based on past experience) but curious as to how to mix that in. cardio on my weightlifting days? cardio by itself on a non-training day? the one logistical thing to note is that the kettlebell gym does not have any cardio equipment — i have another membership to a traditional gym for that, but they aren't super-close, so not really possible to go straight from one to the other. any feedback appreciated! thanks!


  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    I’m a KB practitioner and generally do complexes of 3 to 5 KB exercises for 3 to 8 reps per exercise. With the right challenging load, the workout is definitely cardio and often of the anaerobic variety. If that’s your case, then if you want more cardio, it would be on a different day and maybe something simple like brisk walking.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Go outside and walk, run, bike, swim, or ski.
  • thiswillpushmefurther
    thanks pierinifitness — i'll add some cardio on non-training days. northcascades — thanks for the suggestions, but time is an issue (and i need low-impact as my knees cannot handle running / skiing). i am a swimmer, but need to work back into swimming shape.
  • bisonpitcher
    bisonpitcher Posts: 519 Member
    I lift M,W,F and usually do some light cardio 2 of those days (1-2 miles @ 8-9 minute mile pace.) Tues/Sat, I do Core work for about 10-15 minutes and about a 20 min HIIT treadmill session. Thursday, I do a longer run on treadmill (usually 2-5 miles depending on how my legs feel) and 10-15 minutes of core work. Sunday is my rest day.
  • Strongfitmama100412
    My workouts are an hour-
    I lift heavy Monday (shoulders, biceps, and triceps), Wednesday (legs and spin), Thursdays (chest, back and abs). I do straight cardio Friday and sunday (treadmill- 4 miles run/sprint work) with ab work.

    Tuesdays- i teach a muscle/tabata- full body muscle and hiit training
    Saturday- preparing my class. Will run through it.

    So do what works for you. My Sundays used to be my rest day and I would just do yoga but Im looking to really lean out, sprint faster and are adding more cardio.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    What have you done for cardio previously? Can you do more of that? I suggest doing cardio on non lifting days and extra walking on lifting days. Consider getting an elliptical or treadmill or bike for home to save on travel time. I love swimming and if you’re in shape for KB classes or other cardio, you should be ready to start swimming again, even if you can’t start out at the same level you stopped. Aqua aerobics is another option.