I did it!

Hello all! I’ve got a long way to go, but I’ve done it before. I’m looking for encouraging and kind people. I did my first half marathon this year, but now I’d like to concentrate on slimming down. I’m currently following a Keto diet.


  • alexispuig
    alexispuig Posts: 2 Member
    Great! To have targets is key to keep motivation in the long term.

    I'm training for Ironman now, but 4 years ago I was unable to walk 3 miles...

    To have a target helps me a lot to eat properly, train and stay healthy!

    What time you did your half?
  • brigghteyez
    brigghteyez Posts: 7 Member
    I did my half at Disney. I ran for about the first 7 miles and walked the rest. I did it in just under 3 and a half hours.