Protein diet... have I damaged my body?

Hi everyone,

Since last Christmas to July I put on about a stone (from 12 stone (168lbs) to 13stone(182lbs), I'm 5'9) for reasons I cannot work out. I have always eaten healthily and my diet and activity levels hadn't really changed. Anyway, I decided after reading a lot of diet information to stick to healthy eating, calories in vs calories out etc, and joined my fitness pal about a month ago.

After the first couple of weeks I hadn't lost weight despite upping my exercise and sticking to 1500 calories per day, so I got discouraged and decided to try a high protein diet, based on the Dukan book....

It "worked" in that I lost 5lbs in 5 days, but I hated it, I felt disgusted by the huge portions of protein and realised that I couldn't stick to this for any length of time so stopped. I had headaches, a weird blurry eyed feeling and felt sick. I also feel that any weight I lost was just water, not fat.

I'm now really panicking in case I damaged my body by doing the diet and/or wrecked my metabolism by doing such a fad diet?? I stuck to low fat protein and dairy products but still I am worried. I am now 3lbs less than my starting weight, but who knows if that was the 2 weeks on here or the week of Dukan?

Does anyone have any advice to offer if you have tried anything similar, or what I should do now?
Thanks in advance!


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    You probably did not do any damage with only one week of dieting.

    The blurry eyes, tiredness, headaches are common experiences by people who suddenly cut out all carbs. It happens with Atkins and sometimes South Beach too. Generally it goes away after a couple of weeks--if you can make it that long...

    If you've added carbs back in, that should have stopped. If it didn't, see your doctor.

    If you're really concerned about your health, see your doctor.
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    Your body is pretty resilient. Just stop eating so much protein and slowly introduce greater quantities of things like grains and vegetables back into your diet. If you continue to feel this way see your doctor.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Since last Christmas to July I put on about a stone (from 12 stone (168lbs) to 13stone(182lbs), I'm 5'9) for reasons I cannot work out. I have always eaten healthily and my diet and activity levels hadn't really changed. Anyway, I decided after reading a lot of diet information to stick to healthy eating, calories in vs calories out etc, and joined my fitness pal about a month ago.

    After the first couple of weeks I hadn't lost weight despite upping my exercise and sticking to 1500 calories per day, so I got discouraged and decided to try a high protein diet, based on the Dukan book....

    It "worked" in that I lost 5lbs in 5 days, but I hated it, I felt disgusted by the huge portions of protein and realised that I couldn't stick to this for any length of time so stopped. I had headaches, a weird blurry eyed feeling and felt sick. I also feel that any weight I lost was just water, not fat.

    I'm now really panicking in case I damaged my body by doing the diet and/or wrecked my metabolism by doing such a fad diet?? I stuck to low fat protein and dairy products but still I am worried. I am now 3lbs less than my starting weight, but who knows if that was the 2 weeks on here or the week of Dukan?

    Does anyone have any advice to offer if you have tried anything similar, or what I should do now?
    Thanks in advance!

    first off there is no way you can damage your body or metabolism in one week .

    i have done hi protien diets may time for extended lenghts, my body is fine. infact for me personaly i am at my best at hi pro/lo carb.

    it is not for everyone though, just find what works for you, its all trial and error reallly
  • cfarwick21
    technically from a biological standpoint as long as you are getting the calories to keep your metabolism going you won't wreck your metabolism or go into starvation mode that being you also won't get all the nutrients you get from fruits and vegetables like our vitamins and minerals try a more balanced diet with less carbs but keep you vegetables and fruits intact stuff like pasta and breads take out you will feel more satisfied with what you eat!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've not done the Dukan Diet before but isn't that paired with low carb as well? I eat alot of protein, usually around 160-180g a day and experience no problems, however I don't go low carb at all. Usually have around 250g a day of carbs. Sometimes if I haven't had many carbs and I've had a workout too I feel dizzy and really sick, so I have some sugary foods/carbs. Usually just a lucozade & couple of biscuits and I feel better. Just from that, it may be more a low carb problem than a high protein problem, I've heard you get used to it after a while though and your body gets energy from other sources.

    I doubt you've wrecked your metabolism in such a short time, I would say just go back to what works for you and what makes you feel the best. Most people will need a healthy balanced diet of fat/carbs/protein to feel their best and so many people find certain diets really hard to stick to long term :)
  • rv40
    rv40 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi. High level of protein does a number of your kidneys so it's very important to drink plenty water to flush it out. I have tried a high protein diet for one day and had the same symptoms you did and I immediately quit. I would suggest going to weight watchers because they actually teach you how to eat if you don't already know how. I still think you can change your lifestyle by eating properly and balancing alls foods out.
  • notmyrealname
    notmyrealname Posts: 3 Member
    You need to drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water a day if you are on a high protein diet.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    High protein is ok, but at what percentage. Carbs and fats are needed to function properly. I have tried several diets in the past, several herbs, several pills, shakes, ect. The best advice is the easiest, everything in moderation.