Skinny Jeans Dream

I have a pair of size 5 jeans that I wore about 7 years ago. I have kept them all this time because I love them dearly and I've always wanted to fit into them again. I want to set a goal to fitting into them again, but I dont want to set myself up for failure. When I wore them I was In my early late teens/early 20's and now I'm almost 30. I've been told by certain family members and friends that once you hit a certain age it may not be possible to shrink that small because of bone structure changes and so on...I think its a load of crap but like I said, I really dont want to set myself up to fail.

Any thoughts?


  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I don't know if it is age, but having children definitely changed my bone structure. My ribs and hips are wider than before, and no amount of weighloss would ever get me down to a size 2 again.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I don't know if it is age, but having children definitely changed my bone structure. My ribs and hips are wider than before, and no amount of weighloss would ever get me down to a size 2 again.
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm not sure about that theory either. I'm 33 and I have no doubt that I won't be as skinny as I was in high school, but I'm still holding onto my favorite prom dress, and I'm determined to get back into it one day....even if I'm bulging out of it a bit! LOL I just want to be able to say I did it, even if I don't get to fulfill that stupid little dream of getting dressed up in it and having hubby take me out for a nice night on the town, lol. I know MY body has changed since then, but I've had 2 kids. So I doubt I'll have the same shape I used to. But I'm okay with that. I just want to get to a healthy weight and be active and feel good about myself again. My advice, is be realistic about your goals, but go ahead and hold on to those jeans for a while and see what happens. My goal is 130, but if I get to 140 and I'm comfortable and feel good, then I'll be happy there and not push to get those last 10. Good luck!
  • Everybody is different, but I"m 36, have had 3 children and I'm smaller now then I was in high school. I'm a size 2 now. I can wear all the teen brand clothes. My body has never looked better, and I weighed around 124 in high school, so around size 4, so it's not like I was fat and got skinny. You will be able to wear those jeans again!
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    It's a load of crap! I just had a baby 10 months ago and gained 40 lbs and I am only 8 lbs from my prepregnancy weight. I can fit into my old jeans but they are really tight. I will get to that goal soon and plan to lose an additional 15 lbs. If you want it bad enough YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck to ya.
  • I think it just depends on each person and their bone structure.

    I was very thick in HS. I was a year round athlete and I was very muscular with a thick layer of baby fat on top. I was never able to get below a 12 because of my hips and thighs.

    I have had 4 kids and my body has changed so much. I became overall smaller. My mass, hips, around my rib cage. All of it. Pants size dropped down to an 8 and my bras have always been a 36 or higher since 6th grade. I am now on the low end of a 34.

    It really dose depend on the person and their frame.

    P.S. I held onto a pair of jeans for 9 years hoping to fit into them. I almost gave up and said I could never wear them again. Now, they are a little big and quite comfy to wear. :D Don't give up hope!
  • MandaLen13
    MandaLen13 Posts: 151 Member
    Everybody is different, but I"m 36, have had 3 children and I'm smaller now then I was in high school. I'm a size 2 now. I can wear all the teen brand clothes. My body has never looked better, and I weighed around 124 in high school, so around size 4, so it's not like I was fat and got skinny. You will be able to wear those jeans again!

    This gives me hope! Thanks everybody for the response! I'll be keeping those jeans around a little longer I think! :P
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I got down to a size 8 when I was 29 after having 2 children. I hadn't been a size 8 since 9th grade. I'm a 10 now after 3 kids and am working back to the 8s.