Addicted to sugar

75lbs to lose and I am so addicted to sugar. It really feels it is like my crack...because it seems I'm always thinking about chocolate or thinking about when I can eat again. Does anyone else feel like they are Always plagued by thoughts about food!? Do depressing...


  • kadimcnair
    kadimcnair Posts: 44 Member
    It's never been a problem for me, but I have a friend who feels this way. She struggles but I am always finding her ways to make her favorite snacks and make them healthier. For example, she is obsessed with reeses PB cups. When she wants one, she melts too tbsp of dark chocolate chips (or just regular ones if you don't like dark), let's it harden, and smears a little pb on it with a little salt. She said it feels like she ate a candy bar.

    Good luck!
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    chrck out the supplement chromium picolineate
  • dollface_mell21
    dollface_mell21 Posts: 14 Member
    I have that sugar issue too. I can go awhile but those craving start call me..I really drink my sugar fix in coffee or ice coffee
  • Ja8923
    Ja8923 Posts: 15 Member
    Me too! I am always thinking about sugar, desserts, sweets.. I love chocolate. I did the no-added sugar challenge for a month in 2016. It was difficult the first few days. But felt great!
    I m trying to do it again but keep failing.