queasy when working out

I'm doing a little strength training, but I know I'm not over exerting myself, because it's a workout I've done several times before without any problems. I am only using ten pound dumbbells, so I don't think that is the issue.

However, the last time I did this workout was almost two weeks ago. I threw up right after the workout. This scared me, so I relaxed and took a break from working out for awhile.

Today, I'm resuming the workout and while I haven't tossed my cookies yet, I did feel the need to go run to the bathroom and eat some pepto bismol to see if I could ease the warning signs and get through the workout.

I know it's not from anything I ate, because when I did lose it, there was no recognizable food in it.

I'm trying to keep hydrated, so I don't think it's that either.

What else could it be?

I did get queasy in the office this week, which normally does not involve activity, but it was a stressful day, so my heart rate may have been up. I don't know for sure.

Any ideas?


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Low blood sugar? Try eating something before you work out. Pregnant? Those are the two things that come to my mind.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    Do you eat something that has protein in it before working out?? If not, try that and see. If you still have that same feeling after working out when you ate something you may want to see a doctor...

  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I've had enough to eat today and I'm definitely not pregnant.

  • I agree with what has been said. I recommend eating a banana before exercising....
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    I agree with what has been said. I recommend eating a banana before exercising....

    Totally agree!

    I usually have a banana before I work out - I am not sure what it is about having on pre-workout but it seems to work great for me!
  • luckycop
    luckycop Posts: 10
    don't forget to consider you blood pressure. High or low, symptoms can be curious. Just a thought.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I've had enough to eat today.....

    Are you sure?
  • I got this way also when I started working out. Its probably your body resisting the exercise ( I am not a doctor so who am I to diagnosis right?) I just know that this happened to me and this is what the doctor told me when I saw him. After about 3 sessions I was okay. Then I also stopped strength training for about a week I went back to it and I felt dizzy and nausea. I forced my way through the workout then I felt better ( slower then I normally would, I didn't do some exercises and I had more rest periods in between). I also fiqured out that I couldn't eat 1 hour or earlier before I worked out. So maybe you can adjust your eating before your workout.If the symptoms presist then I would see a doctor. Don't give up! You ca do this!! =0)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I would suggest seeing your doctor for advice

    This is from Wikepedia and may be helpful

    "Another possible cause of exercise induced nausea is water logging, another word for overhydration. Drinking too much water before, during, and/or after exercise (or at any time) can cause nausea, diarrhea, confusion, and muscle tremors. If the overhydration is significant enough, it can be fatal. Excessive water consumption reduces or dilutes electrolyte levels in the body. It is encouraged to control your level of water intake when working out, and also to eat salty snacks when you have consumed too much water (sodium and potassium are electrolytes)."
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I would suggest seeing your doctor for advice

    This is from Wikepedia and may be helpful

    "Another possible cause of exercise induced nausea is water logging, another word for overhydration. Drinking too much water before, during, and/or after exercise (or at any time) can cause nausea, diarrhea, confusion, and muscle tremors. If the overhydration is significant enough, it can be fatal. Excessive water consumption reduces or dilutes electrolyte levels in the body. It is encouraged to control your level of water intake when working out, and also to eat salty snacks when you have consumed too much water (sodium and potassium are electrolytes)."

    This could be. I've been trying to keep my sodium intake low, because when I eat salty food, my feet swell up like balloons. However, when I work out, I have a quart sized water bottle, and I tend to refill it halfway through the workout. I get hot, and my mouth gets dry, so I tend to chug the water.