Hi... I am new to this site..

Looks like a great site. My focus is for my health, to take it one day at a time, and to use food to nourish my body and to drop old habits.
I love the friend support.
Look forward to using this site and meeting others on the road to good health.


  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    It's a great site and the support is amazing! Feel free to add me, if you like. We all need the support and encouragement in every stage of weight lost we are in.
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Welcome to MFP I am quite new too but found it a terrific site and you are welcome to add me to your friends list if you like good luck
  • gemsie26
    Hi I am also new to this site.. Looking forward to meeting new people and being encouraged by positive, successful stories. My weight has slowly crept up and my confidence has disappeared, not just doing this for me, but also for my children. I want them to have a happy, confident mum. :) I aim to lose 100lb, slowly and steadily by healthy eating & exercise. Let the weight-loss battles commence! :)
  • richardw106
    Best of luck to everybody!
  • mpcass
    mpcass Posts: 86
    The support and advice have really helped me so far. Feel free to add me if you like .
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Love seeing new people! Stick with it, it is a great place!! Anyone who wants feel free to add me for support and friendship!
  • KeepMyFocus
    KeepMyFocus Posts: 5 Member
    Hi... Thanks for the response. Good for you! My aim is to lose 50. We can do it!:happy: Keep connecting.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    As a lot of people have said before. If I can do this, anyone can do this! I feel better, I look better, I have more confidence in me, and on a little bit of a selfish note....I like the looks I'm getting. I may be 51 and happily married, but I did manage to turn a few heads the other day!!! This time it was in a GOOD way!!!!!

    So get at it, stay focused, and if you hit a bump in the road don't go in the ditch....just get back on the road to a better You!
  • futurefitgirl88
    :) Hello!! :) We're all here to motivate each other! Best of luck!
  • KeepMyFocus
    KeepMyFocus Posts: 5 Member
    Great motivation.. thanks! and best wishes!