Need to be kept on my toes!

I’m turning 45 this year and I am the poster child of “letting yourself go.” I need to lose 30-40 lbs. It’s amazing how much my self esteem is wrapped in my weight. I know I should be happy with whatever weight - but it is impacting my health and dang those spanx dig into my stomach! :D


  • chrisco333
    chrisco333 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome! I’m pretty new here myself. I’m pretty new here myself. I’ve put on about 50 lbs in just over 3 years. Now I’m trying to take it back off.

    My plan is to eat less (1800 calories a day) and to start moving more (staring with a daily walk of about 2 miles). I’m hoping to loose 2 lbs a week but we will see over the next few weeks if that is too aggressive of a goal.

    What’s your plan to shed the weight?
  • sarahecarson
    sarahecarson Posts: 5 Member
    Definitely portion control!