Weight loss and csection belly question

mothergooselove09 Posts: 5 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
I've lost 24 lbs (go me!) and I still have another 40 or 50 to go, so I know I'm definitely not close to the end yet. I've noticed recently though, that as I've been losing weight, my belly is actually starting to look worse :(. It's almost like I've lost in my hips and in my rib/chest area, and this makes my tummy pooch out even more. I really notice it the most during my Zumba classes. Is this due to my c-section (almost 2 years ago) and I have no hope, or is this something that will eventually go down as well? I've started lifting more weight and trying to incorporate more ab work, but just looking for other advice. Thanks!


  • I feel the same way! I had a c-section 10 months ago and I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel either :( I hope someone has a good answer for us lol.
  • jetbax
    jetbax Posts: 9 Member
    A tummy tuck after the weight loss may be the only option.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I had this back at the start, I had my c section 8 years ago. when I started loosing weight 2 years ago i never thought my belly would go - often refered to carrying it around in a carrier bag! (grocery bag) but it does go, mine is going down lots now - I am not going to say it is the sae as a non c section woman, cause that just isn't gonna happen, I have the "smile" shaped sag, but after the c section it was on my knees! These days I can see my bits again!!!!! ( maybe too much info there but I can't tell you how happy I was when I noticed that!)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I had a c-section 22 years ago and mine went back to "normal" pretty quickly. Or does it just seem that way since it's been so long? I think we're all just different and makes a difference where you lose weight first (I'm a pear shape and most of my weight sits on my hips and thighs.) I'd suggest doing a search on "c-section" using the "Search" link for the forums. This topic gets discussed pretty often.
  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    I had my son via c-section 20mths ago (today!) and I've lost 14lbs on MFP. The belly is going down but slowly. I don't ever expect to have a super flat tummy (not that it ever was even at my slimmest) but it seems that it is disappearing. Give it time :)
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I also wanted to say that there are a ton of toning exercises which can help tone the muscle beneath which will help - not to flatten your tummy but or when the belly goes it ill hep pul things up, - obiques and tummy exercisses - google them
  • akgary
    akgary Posts: 52
    yeah my tummy went right back down after my csection 19 months ago from my twins but i had lost all the weight right then and then when my hubby came back from deployment i gained 20lbs...nice right but as im losing again its going down again but i notice i get super bloaty and inconjuction with my stretch marks it looks terrible. it will go down keep trying
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