Let’s be friends! lose 50lbs ~ 30yrs old!

Mom of 3 kiddos. 7&9yr olds and 9month old. Used MyFitnessPal in 2014 and got down to my lowest of about 140. Currently at my highest of 196 and looking to lose about 50lbs in 2019. Hoping by summer but I know that’s a lot in a short time.

Eating right, logging, and going to the gym 4x+ a week. Looking for active friends to help motivate along the way!!


  • proudmomma86
    proudmomma86 Posts: 48 Member
    You can add me. I have 4 kids 11, 9, 3, and 1 year old. I got down to 180 almost 6 months ago but the holidays didnt help :(. My goal is 155. I log in daily.
  • liltortillaboy
    liltortillaboy Posts: 31 Member
    Awesome, I’ve added you!
  • lucyeponce
    lucyeponce Posts: 19 Member
    Add me! 3 kids (a teenager and twins.) Down 45lbs need another 40 to go.
  • FemmeBritt
    FemmeBritt Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • tennisgolfswim
    tennisgolfswim Posts: 6 Member
    Add me!
  • ee2368
    ee2368 Posts: 85 Member
    Added! Looking for friends here too. You should join our group: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/130249-20s-30s-and-40s
    We’re happy to have you!
  • magen830
    magen830 Posts: 33 Member
    Single mom here of a 9 yr old and 4 yr old.
    I used mfp a few years ago and dropped 60lbs but life is crazy with kids. I’d be happy for new friends add me. 😊
  • kitahfit
    kitahfit Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a single mom of 2 boys aged 4 and 9. I'm 30 and had 43 lbs as of the 1st to lose to get to 145 my goal weight. I'd also like to lose it by summer. It be the 1st time in my life being a "healthy" weight and BMI. My highest weight was 253.6 lbs. Currently 186.7! We got this 💪🏾
  • CrysRN
    CrysRN Posts: 9 Member
    Help! First time mom 10 werks postpartum (section). Started paleo this week. Off all dairy because baby has an allergy. Love to loose 60lbs and start running again. Have a lot of risidual pain from SPD (symphis pubic disorder) so not sure how muxh exercise i can tolerate. But need other mamas support!
  • CrysRN
    CrysRN Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me! I used mfp in thepast to lose weight as well. Just wanna be strong and healthy again.
  • Jesi1011
    Jesi1011 Posts: 200 Member
    CrysRN wrote: »
    Help! First time mom 10 werks postpartum (section). Started paleo this week. Off all dairy because baby has an allergy. Love to loose 60lbs and start running again. Have a lot of risidual pain from SPD (symphis pubic disorder) so not sure how muxh exercise i can tolerate. But need other mamas support!

    I’ve had 3 csections, last one was March 22 2018. Idk if my stomach will ever bounce back. I’ve never been at a healthy BMI.
  • CrysRN
    CrysRN Posts: 9 Member
    I know I need to workout to tighten the muscles I'm just so frustrated with the pain right now. Also finding the time when the boy won't nap during the day. Its definately not easy. So im doing my diet as step one. I have been a healthy BMI but sadly was like 7/8 years ago. Hard to fight my way back with some life challenges because im an emo eater