Yo-yo of weight gain

Hello everyone,

I joined MFP almost 8 years ago. The first time I lost over 60lb! I ended up losing motivation and gained it back and lost it again multiple times. I am stuck in a loop of gaining and losing weight. I'm hoping to lose the weight and keep it off this time for my wedding in May.

I realized I dont have a support system to help me stay motivated. I need people who will stay positive, and even push me a little bit when I need to be. Please add me and help me in my weight loss journey!


  • Sandi5608
    Sandi5608 Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you! Lost 115 lbs 8 years ago and have gained it all back there have been some 10 or 20 or 30 lbs losses and gains in there too. Sending you a friend add, maybe we can help each other. 🤗
  • Yesicookie
    Yesicookie Posts: 4 Member
    Same here I've GAINED and Los weight .......... but back to my yo yo diet I need to lose weight😐😐
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Often when people yo-yo it's because they are losing weight quickly in a way they don't like. If thats you, perhaps consider trying to lose eating and exercising in a way you enjoy.

    Set your goal to lose 1 lb per week, log accurately and consistently, find ways to fit your fave foods into your calories. Check out the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each forum, and good luck!