Newbie-40+ mom with anxiety

Hi everyone,

I’m new here looking for meal planning and recipe support. I have 25 pounds to loose using a balanced diet. Hope to make some new friends and support each other in our weight loss journeys


  • jtced
    jtced Posts: 20 Member
    40+ with loads of stress and anxiety here! Back at it again. I’ve lost, gained back. Done more diets than I’d like to admit.
  • babydoll2596
    babydoll2596 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! 38 yrs old with anxiety and panic attacks.. Hoping to be able to lose about 30lbs and start feeling good about myself and my health. Really hoping it will calm down my anxiety. Would love to connect and be a part of the weight loss journey together. Good luck ladies!!!!
  • Blue_eyed_girl82
    Blue_eyed_girl82 Posts: 74 Member
    I also have panic and anxiety. I did a deprivation float yesterday and oh my it helps so much. I'm a mother , full time job, and college student full time. I understand stress. I need caffine to help me especially with work all day and then 5 hour classes at night. Feel free to add me.
  • owlfitness95
    owlfitness95 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me to go on this journey together :) You're not alone.