water/dehydration question

Since I started this new lifestyle 21 days ago. I have increased my water intake a lot. I only drink water and I have about 6-7 20 oz bottles a day. I try to stay hydrated as much as I can. Well I been noticing I am up going to the bathroom between 4-7 times during the night and wake up feeling dehydrated and have a headache like a hangover. How do you stay hydrated without peeing it all out at night and throughout the day? sorry if TMI.


  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    if you are peeing then you are hydrated. Unless you have a bladder problem your body wouldn't release fluid it needs. I would look at how much sodium is in your diet. Contrary to popular opinion drinking lots of water doesn't counteract sodium, potassium does. So if you are high on sodium, I would try adding potassium rich foods like broccoli, or bananas. Also you may not be getting enough sleep. I have a few sleep disordered and when my sleep is especially bad I wake up feeling like what you have described. I have made my self stop drinking water after 8:30pm because I cannot afford to have my sleep interrupted during the night.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I would check with your dr. I also drink a ton of water and mine said getting up more then once is not normal...even though i drink all day...that doesnt sound right! Good Luck, but for sure get that checked out!
  • razzyplum
    My dr. told me once that if you have to pee once every 2 hours then you are drinking enough water. Which for me is about 64 oz of water a day. To avoid having to get up all night I try to have all my water drank by 6-7pm. And I try to drink a little more than half by noon. That keeps me from having to get up during the night!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I go to the toilet a LOT during the day and at least twice during the night. I usually drink betweek 3-4 litres of water per day. You could always make a doctors appointment and ask, if that is an option. Maybe try to drink less water in the evening.
    For me, I lift weights a lot and usually consume a lot of protein, and I easily drink that much water, so I think it's ok FOR ME, but the waking up in the night is a bit annoying. If in doubt... go check with a doctor...
  • adhillman01
    Headache is actually a sign of hyponatremia (low sodium). If you're drinking too much water you are diluting out the sodium in your blood and that may be causing these symptoms. You may want to check with a doctor about this. I'm not saying this is definitely it, but it's a possibility.